

5 year old buck +
Has anyone ever used a warranty on their fruit trees? I bought from a few places this spring, and believe one had a warranty they'd make it with their tubes, etc. We have a severe drought and I think I lost everything. Just wondering if anyone has gone down this road before.
Good luck with that. I received trees from NativNurseries that were leafed out and shipped when temps dipped below freezing. The leaves all turned black , Nativ Shipped me new trees, well seedlings I doubt they were much over 2 foot tall.

I received a damaged tree where a good portion snapped off a Droptine during shipping from Whitetail Crabs , Terry refunded me the money and let me keep the tree. The tree never really recovered, I'm going to top it and dig it out and plant it in a small sunny spot in the woods , if it lives it lives .

As for you , I'd say take a picture of every tree that died and send it to the grower , if that's their warranty as stated they should refund your money or send you new trees. Most places don't offer any warranty after planting , too many variables , The trees could have been planted too deep or shallow , added a ton of fertilizer to the hole when planted OR just never watered them. They usually just guarantee the trees to be in good condition upon arrival.
yeah, well, they would probably do right if they knew they were dealing with Tony soprano

I did once, pita, had to send pics which was fine, but they wouldn’t refund, replaced the tree but I had to pay shipping again!! Last time I’d ever order from that company…
I had assumed it was a losing engagement. Headed down in a couple weeks and am planning on finding every tree i planted to be dead. Done with new trees in this drought stricken hell. Ill graft on to callery pear.
I had Stark replace a tree once. I think disease killed it
Ok here it is from the grower's perspective. You already admitted that your trees likely died from drought. Yes that sucks, but why would you expect the grower of the trees to replace them in that instance? That isn't the nursery's fault. With that said places like Stark Brother's are playing the odds with the 1 year guarantee. People like Stark Brothers are charging 2-3 times what the tree is worth when you purchase it, that way WHEN it dies they already have the replacement cost built in. Besides the fact that a certain number of people will not request a tree when theirs dies. More money in Stark Brothers pocket. We basically guarantee our trees to leaf out. Beyond that it was either environmental or owners lack of taking care of the tree that caused its death. Which happens a lot (like in the OPs initial comment), why should the nursery be responsible for that? We occasionally make exceptions, we can generally tell when someone is BSing us. I had a guy claim that 80 of his 90 trees died. Went on a rant on how upset he was and that he would never buy trees from us again. I was more than happy to work with him to resolve the issue. When I asked for more information and pictures he went silent. Found out through another source that his wife left them outside his storage building in the sun for a week (he was called away for work) in the bags they were delivered in. He proceeded to try an order more trees the following year.
I had assumed it was a losing engagement. Headed down in a couple weeks and am planning on finding every tree i planted to be dead. Done with new trees in this drought stricken hell. Ill graft on to

Ok here it is from the grower's perspective. You already admitted that your trees likely died from drought. Yes that sucks, but why would you expect the grower of the trees to replace them in that instance? That isn't the nursery's fault. With that said places like Stark Brother's are playing the odds with the 1 year guarantee. People like Stark Brothers are charging 2-3 times what the tree is worth when you purchase it, that way WHEN it dies they already have the replacement cost built in. Besides the fact that a certain number of people will not request a tree when theirs dies. More money in Stark Brothers pocket. We basically guarantee our trees to leaf out. Beyond that it was either environmental or owners lack of taking care of the tree that caused its death. Which happens a lot (like in the OPs initial comment), why should the nursery be responsible for that? We occasionally make exceptions, we can generally tell when someone is BSing us. I had a guy claim that 80 of his 90 trees died. Went on a rant on how upset he was and that he would never buy trees from us again. I was more than happy to work with him to resolve the issue. When I asked for more information and pictures he went silent. Found out through another source that his wife left them outside his storage building in the sun for a week (he was called away for work) in the bags they were delivered in. He proceeded to try an order more trees the following year.
Not for nothing , but Sounds like the guy lives out of state, planted trees and maybe watered then once and went back home and hoped for the best.
I'd be embarrassed to try and get replacement trees if I wasn't around all summer to water them. It's nobody's fault but his own if they died.
I had 4 trees and a berry bush arrive dead from Stark. I will be taking them up on the rebate.
I have bought from stark a few times. I did have a saturn peach that never took off and died of what looked like fireblight. The one next it from stark has been one of my best growing fruit trees. Bought a macoun.

Warranties are nice n all. But, trees from guys like turkey creek come in better condition, see theyve been better grafted, and are better packaged. Well worth the risk in my book. Places like stark sell what is popular. The small guys sell what works well. When you contact them, they give you good adivce and honest answers. Also, you know what your getting. Some have more details on their scion material, most tell you what rootstock it is on. Good Bad or Indeifferent, I will never know what rootstock the saturn peaches or macoun is on. Popular trees have local variances of that tree type. Usually called sports.

Alot of people judge their tree order from the ground up. But if you look from the ground down, some tree vendors are a ton better than others.

Also, some places do dormant sprays on their trees. Other places send your trees with bug eggs on them. Some places improve their quality, some places focus on profit.