To be honest....I'd try both with a few shrubs planted as well. My goal would be to use both the hinging and the switchgrass as a 2 pronged means to get some cover/screening. You can use other tall grasses, but my experience has been that switchgrass is the easiest to grow and the cheapest seed. You can also do this to steer the deer to access the plot in certain areas as well. I also like the hinging and planting some shrubs for some browse and possibly some soft mast diversity as well. A "buffer" or edge like this can be a very diverse and productive place for deer and turkey. It's going to look "rough" if you want "pretty" - then just plant the grass and be done.
I would plant my switchgrass, then hinge cut my trees and then plant me some shrubs (ROD, plums, DCO, Elderberry - whatever is native in your area and the deer could even look into fruit trees) as this is a great way to add some plants your property may be lacking as well. If you are adding a food source do so with your hunting in mind. If you are planting something that will produce a mast of some sort have an idea of when that will be ready and situate it so you can put the deer where you want them if you are hunting them during that time of the year.
The more options you use the more I think you increase your chances of success. Just keep in mind your making a buffer/screen. You don't want it to be wide enough to encourage deer bedding. Also keep in mind mother nature will add her 2 cents worth as well, so if you get ragweed and other plants in your switchgrass once it is established....I think that is ok. You will simply want to monitor for noxious weeds.
Just my 2 cents worth.