Video or Picture

Yes it can be done. On my computer I pause the vid, hit the print screen key and then open Microsoft paint, hit contol v(I believe) and the pic is there. Click save and it gives me the option to give the pic a name. After it is saved, the pic can be cropped to cut out the computer toolbar,etc.
Yes it can be done. On my computer I pause the vid, hit the print screen key and then open Microsoft paint, hit contol v(I believe) and the pic is there. Click save and it gives me the option to give the pic a name. After it is saved, the pic can be cropped to cut out the computer toolbar,etc.
This ^^^^^
I have an older version of Windows than Windows 7 and have found that my new Bushnell cameras video recordings will not play on an older verison of Windows Media Player than Windows 12! I have tried the AVI and Divx players with no luck.
Windows media player won't play some of my trail cam videos correctly either. There is a pre installed program called Power Media Player or Power DVD that works so I just use that rather than downloading another program.
I don't mean to hijack, but does anybody know how to print or save a pic from a video? Is this even possible? Do I need to buy special software?

Most video editing software will allow you to save individual frames as pictures. You can buy it but if that is all you want to do with it you may find some free ones are adequate.
Most video editing software will allow you to save individual frames as pictures. You can buy it but if that is all you want to do with it you may find some free ones are adequate.
Thanks, I was able to do it but I will have to play with it a bit to get better at cropping.
Windows media player won't play some of my trail cam videos correctly either. There is a pre installed program called Power Media Player or Power DVD that works so I just use that rather than downloading another program.

I installed VLC and the Media Player Classis-HC on my computer. I use the Media Player Classic and it plays everything that I have saved for vids from Covert, Bushnell and Reconyx.
I'm really digging the skip forward on the Media Player Classic, click that button and I'm onto the next vid. The button was always there but I never used it until kabic mentioned about wanting an option like that. No more x"ing out and clicking on the next vid thumbnail to watch it. I prefer the Media Player Classic over the VLC player.
I installed VLC and the Media Player Classis-HC on my computer. I use the Media Player Classic and it plays everything that I have saved for vids from Covert, Bushnell and Reconyx.
I'm really digging the skip forward on the Media Player Classic, click that button and I'm onto the next vid. The button was always there but I never used it until kabic mentioned about wanting an option like that. No more x"ing out and clicking on the next vid thumbnail to watch it. I prefer the Media Player Classic over the VLC player.
I think I'm going to download this before I pull cards again.
I installed VLC and the Media Player Classis-HC on my computer. I use the Media Player Classic and it plays everything that I have saved for vids from Covert, Bushnell and Reconyx.
I'm really digging the skip forward on the Media Player Classic, click that button and I'm onto the next vid. The button was always there but I never used it until kabic mentioned about wanting an option like that. No more x"ing out and clicking on the next vid thumbnail to watch it. I prefer the Media Player Classic over the VLC player.
browndog, you are the man! Downloaded MPC and it works great. Thanks
browndog, you are the man! Downloaded MPC and it works great. Thanks

You're welcome. Glad that it works great for you.
For me depending on location of the cam & sometimes I just switch back and forth.