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Ut Oh......Gly may cause cancer?

All the more reason to live now.
Meh........... The fresh venision I eat makes up for it. :D
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Just don't lick your fingers after filling your sprayer. o_O
But they're so salty and delicious. I dip my French fries in gly.
Quick, guys............. to the HAZ-MAT suits !!! :eek:
Given what I've done to my body over the last 30+ years....using gly is pretty low on my list of concerns

Yeah, me too. The chemical cocktail I was exposed to in Desert Storm alone is mind boggling….P-tabs (an anti-chemical weapon pill), experimental vaccines, chemical weapons, depleted uranium, pollution from burning oil wells that I breathed daily, anti-Anthrax shots for which we had to sign a mandatory "hold harmless" statement, pesticides, and MRE's twice a day…God knows what was in those things? Amazingly I am actually quite healthy and suffer no symptoms that as many as 3 in 5 DS vets suffer from….and I never get sick. My wife says that has to do with the fact that common cold and flu viruses can't survive in my body after all of that. :D

With that said…I am cautious around gly and use it sparingly. If I can achieve my goals with traditional tillage methods and crop rotation I will. This summer I will be trying my first larger scale food plots. We'll see how that goes with minimal gly?
French researchers.

You know what they say. F the French,
or is it F is for French?

Oh well anyway I'm not sweating it, at this point it's too late for me.
What do you guys think about wearing a resperator while spraying? Good idea or doesn't matter.
Study anything enough - it will cause cancer. I'm going to say it made my hair fall out as well. That's my excuse and i'm sticking to it.
What do you guys think about wearing a resperator while spraying? Good idea or doesn't matter.

It sure couldn't hurt to to tell the truth. The first few times I sprayed 2,4 d-b and cleth mixed I used one. Gotten lazy recently.
I wouldn't drink it or take a bath in it, but other than that if it's dangerous - well I'm just screwed. Can't die of anything normal now-a-days anyway. When was the last time you heard of anybody dying - BECAUSE THEY WHERE OLD?????
I suspect that breathing air leads to cancer as everybody that I know who has had cancer breathes it.

Just joking..

We do need to be careful and for that reason I have stayed away from most herbicides except roundup. I do need to be more careful with roundup, I guess.
I'm sure that it's not great to have around. Personally, I try and do everything I can to minimize my chemical inputs, (gas, fert pesticides etc...). I just see my property as a leisure property, and I want it to be as natural as I can have it. I live in the city, and I'm surrounded by gorgeous lawns that get sprayed in who-knows-what every month... I use my property to escape all that. I like to see it imperfect! I have no problem using it for hack and squirt, but (it's kind of silly) I just hate spraying my plots. In my opinion, it's a somewhat necessary evil, but often times it is overused. This is why people think GMO's in and of themselves are bad! The GMO's are fine, but the cultural practices that are often times associated with them can be a problem.

All that being said, I am not very worried about gly itself, but I am worried about the surfactants and other non-active ingredients. I'm also not as worried about the acute side effects of being exposed to it, but rather the long term chronic effects that we get over a lifetime of exposure. It will be very interesting to see if there are any major health changes in people my age and a bit older that have been exposed to it their entire life, and more importantly during their developmental years. Unfortunately, as with most large commercial chemicals, it will take something along the lines of the DDT catastrophe to make people reconsider. This isn't just a gly problem, but a chemical problem in general. Any time we synthesize something very similar to a naturally occurring compound (e.g. neonicotinoids) there is a very large possibility of them having unintended consequences. It's just a fact of the world that we live in.

Similar to Natty, I'll be trying to establish a gly-free planting this summer. I WILL be using gly to get a clean seed bed. But after that I'm trying to use crop rotations through the summer, and fall, and then frost seed native prairie and a perrenial mix. It's not for everyone, but I think it'd be pretty cool to get it to work!
I wouldn't drink it or take a bath in it, but other than that if it's dangerous - well I'm just screwed. Can't die of anything normal now-a-days anyway. When was the last time you heard of anybody dying - BECAUSE THEY WHERE OLD?????
Believe it or not , just heard this the other day on the news. I can't remember where but, apparently there was nothing wrong with this person, just old. I'm thinking around 90. Anyways , just dying of old age must be rare if they feel the need to put it on the news.
They obviously didn't read the study about Gly curing cancer:
Glyphosate and AMPA inhibit cancer cell growth through inhibiting intracellular glycine synthesis.
Glycine is a nonessential amino acid that is reversibly converted from serine intracellularly by serine hydroxymethyltransferase. Glyphosate and its degradation product, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), are analogs to glycine, thus they may inhibit serine hydroxymethyltransferase to decrease intracellular glycine synthesis. In this study, we found that glyphosate and AMPA inhibited cell growth in eight human cancer cell lines but not in two immortalized human normal prostatic epithelial cell lines. AMPA arrested C4-2B and PC-3 cancer cells in the G1/G0 phase and inhibited entry into the S phase of the cell cycle. AMPA also promoted apoptosis in C4-2B and PC-3 cancer cell lines. AMPA upregulated p53 and p21 protein levels as well as procaspase 9 protein levels in C4-2B cells, whereas it downregulated cyclin D3 protein levels. AMPA also activated caspase 3 and induced cleavage of poly (adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose) polymerase. This study provides the first evidence that glyphosate and AMPA can inhibit proliferation and promote apoptosis of cancer cells but not normal cells, suggesting that they have potentials to be developed into a new anticancer therapy.
Interesting link about gmos and glyphosate thought provoking and explains the rhetoric about GMOs
They obviously didn't read the study about Gly curing cancer:

So do other drugs and radiation, yet we don't want to be exposed to those (other than the sun) daily because often their effects on the body are horrible, but are still perceived as better than dying of cancer. Even medicines are in a way a controlled poison. The anticoagulant warfarin was initially developed as and is still used as rat poison. My point is just that these things aren't inherently bad or good, but rather the manner in which we use them is the determining factor in their role in harm or benefit.
Just use common sense and the proper PPE just like any other activity.