Unloading your crossbow

Same thing as J bird. Once that bolt gets removed the x bow cannot shoot anymore even if you flip the safety off and pull the trigger.

So I remove the bolt. Walk back to the house or truck. Shoot an extra bolt into a bag target at point blank range. And be done with it.

M Xbow has that safty feature also. But some will dry fire.

I use the crossbow unloading bolts (CUB) from Ten Point. I guess that the cost of them is not that big of a deal to me considering the convenience of use and the fact that they biodegrade. I used to carry a crossbow target with me and shoot into the target. I have arthritis in both hands, so then I would have to pull out the arrow and it was difficult. It is only in hunting situations that I have to use the CUB.

I had a sample but it's a one time use. Just looked again and there like $2 a piece.

I'll probably end up with a small target. But that defuser is cool.
I just leave a "spare" bolt in our small target (after it's shot, it stays till next time). Then I don't have to worry about my hunting bolts in the quiver. And when the time comes that we need it, I know that bolt flies true since it's shot often. As someone else mentioned, my kids like to take a practice shot when we are done hunting.
My oldest son has a crossbow and just shoots a practice arrow into dirt in backyard when done hunting. Uses same arrow every time and only for that.
He did hit a stone a couple seasons ago that pushed tip into shaft so he tossed that arrow.
$100 to $120 depending on your crossbow and then it is a complicated object to use. NO THANKS. I will use the crossbow unloading bolts (CUB). Even at $2 apiece I could get 50 to 60 for the price of the diffuser. Each to their own is the theme I get from this thread.