Ughhhh, need tractor advice


A good 3 year old buck
I'm going to try and make this as short as possible, I'm so frustrated. About 5 years ago I bought a brand new 4520, i only had about 70 hrs on it and long story short it had an electrical problem to where it would sit for 2 or 3 weeks and then not start up. I didn't have my tractor for months throughout the year. It was In the shop multiple times and they could not figure out the problem. It also had several mechanical issues.
After a long hard fight with corporate they told me they would buy the tractor back but I would have trade up to a 4066r so for about 7000 dollars more that's what I did. I noticed from the start the hydraulics seemed very weak on the tractor. I told John deere about it but they said they were up to specs. Last fall there was a recall on engine. I took them till spring to fix it. We also noticed a rear axle leak , tractor was still under warranty. I told them while in the shop to check the hydraulics and the loader problem as mentioned on this forum. The axle leak was back ordered for months and again my tractor sat in the shop for 6 weeks. They told me they would return my tractor and to run it with the rear axle leak. Finally the part came in , it took 2 more weeks in the shop they finally fixed my tractor and said the hydraulics were up to specs by a field rep.
I got the tractor back and just bought a new drill. My tractor should have picked it up no problem, it didn't budge it an inch off the ground. My buddies kubota mx5100 lifted it with no problem, it has less lifting capacity the my jd by a few hundred lbs. So I call them again. While on the phone with a different dealer. He mentioned they now have a "product improvment" warning for the loader the I mentioned. I gave them the I told you so and my tractor is now back in the shop. They supposedly fixed the loader problem, but are now waiting on back ordered parts for the new improvment problem with the pistons and valves for the 3pt hitch. I told them I'm done with this tractor. It just turned 2 years old and has 170hrs on it. I'm losing money in my sweet corn and pumpkins etc. They may give me a deal if I trade up to a 5090m, but I'm so scared to get another deere at this point. I have a b series kubota with zero issues..I'm not a picky or crazy consumer... .does this seem fair to be jerk Ed around like this??? Are the bigger tractors better quality? This is too much time with large tractor payments and no tractor to use.
Also I have been in contact with corporate this whole time and they are extremely rude and can careless. I guess 60,000 dollars is just pennies on the big scale but it's a lot to me.
Wow, I'm a Deere guy. Never have had a problem.
that sucks. Trade it in on a blue one and don't look back.
I want to trade it in so bad and go with another brand, but I'm going to take such a hard trade in hit
That's odd (sorry you are having so much trouble).

I own 2 green ones.

A 5203 that is ~10 years old. Never put anything in it but diesel and oil.
A 4020 that is older than me. Other than 2 batteries and an alternator, it's been a working machine.

I would check to see if the lemon law applies
Personally, there's nothing more frustrating than unreliable equipment as there's just too much work to be done without also having to fool with break/fix all the time. In your case the old "fool me once shame on you" adage seems to apply here. There's no way I'd plunk down a bunch more hard-earned money for one of their tractors when they've already "fooled you twice."
Sounds like you have a dealer problem as much as you have a tractor problem. Same dealer for service as the purchase? I kinda have the same problem with my Kubota dealer. They are fantastic - until after they have sold the tractor. Then, it's all downhill. Sell that tractor on the street and get whatever the market will bear....
The old deeres seem to hold up great, the new ones are horrible. And you guys are right, I would be a fool to upgrade to another deere, but man I'm going to take a loss
I can't speak to your tractor, but I have had very good luck with mine (knock on wood). I have a JD790 (much smaller than yours). I bought the tractor from a deere dealer that was closing down a small location, but my other local dealer has no issue servicing my machine. I agree with Dan in that it sounds like you have as much of an equipment issue and you do a dealer issue. I would not give up on the corporate route either. I'm sure $60K is peanuts to Deere, but service is a big part of what makes that green paint so good in my opinion. As much as I hate to say gotta go with what works for you, and if that means your next tractor is blue or orange or whatever then so be it. Brand loyalty only goes so far and you sure are not seeing that loyalty returned toward you.....screw 'em! That "trade-up" crap is a scam.....either they fix your machine entirely at no charge or replace it entirely at no cost to you. You have been plenty patient enough as it is. To be honest I'm real disappointed to hear of your experience with Deere.....
You mention that you own a b series Kubota which has no problems. When it came time to buy a larger tractor, why did you not just stick with what works for you, KUBOTA? I have run a L345DT 4x4 Kubota on my land for the last 24 years. It had a factory recall for a hydraulic pump problem, but that was fixed by my local mechanic without taking it back to the dealer. My tractor needs to be running when needed. I religiously change the oil and filters on it. I could not manage my land without the tractor and the implements behind it. Trade it in or sell it outright and buy a KUBOTA.
I would shop all the other colors first. Here on our farm machinery you get more for your trade if you switch colors. It's like a trophy that gets parked in the front lot for a while showing the other dealers they stole one from them.
Here are my two cents: You have had terrible luck - sorry. I would move to a new manufacturer because no one should have that much bad luck with a brand and sounds like your dealer and Deere are not doing their job. And, that is coming from a huge Deere fan. I currently have three Deere Ag tractors, two New Hollands and a Ford. I prefer the Deere tractors by far. However none are as small as yours. I would never buy anything smaller than a five series Deere. In the size you are looking at I would go with a New Holland first, a Kubota second and then a Mahindra.

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I'm definitely never giving deere another dollar, they just told me they still don't have a backorder date for my tractor the mean time my tractor just sits in their shop. I bought the best series kubota after my deere...needed a small tractor to get in between my Christmas trees on the farm.
I have two NH and have great luck with them, but if my wallet allowed would have bought a JD. I have never heard of problems like yours.

Sorry for your bad luck! Best wishes.
I would call a lawyer to send a few letters....

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have you tried contacting JD directly and expressing your problems and asking them for help?
be surprised, how much help they can(or cannot) give you on issue's like this, all the more so if your looking to buy again?
but better than just asking your dealer
I had like issue's with a NH, local dealer less than helpful
a direct approach, got me back to good and happy, had to two machine farther away, but was a one time deal, which, sucked , but again, got me real help
I know it may sound trite, but find out if the dealer has a Facebook page. If they do, make your situation known. Don't be slanderous or disrespectful, but air your complaints about the many attempts you have made and the poor service you are receiving. You can also go on sites like Yelp and do the same. Nobody wants bad press and they value their local reputation.

I am assuming you have already done this, if not, find out who owns the dealership. Then write them a letter and spell out the problems and the people you are dealing with.

Good luck!