@Native Hunter, appreciating all the grafting work you've done I'll piggyback on Omicron1792's question about small grafts.
Five or so years ago I planted 8 kieffer pears, with 4 on the east side of my property and 4 on the west side of my property. Turned out soil in east spot I picked was better as all 4 trees took off growing whereas the 4 on the west stayed small for years. Working to ammend the soil around the trees on the west 3 of the 4 are finally growing and starting to carry fruit.
The 4th tree on the west not growing or carrying fruit lost growth above the original graft I purchased and sent up a spindly-looking parent leadeer. Earlier this spring I thought I'd give it a go grafting pruned Kieffer scions onto small parent tree branches.
Here's a picture showing the 3 scions I grafted. The lowest has good leaf growth on it, and though the higher two do not yet the scion wood still is green when scratched and there are buds swelling on the scions I think will leaf out. Begging pardon for the super ugly work, the electrical tape is mostly on there to hold small sticks as braces for the grafts as the field has tons of small birds around I figure perch on the branches... also why I taped a long branch onto the small trunk just to make a high point for perching that is NOT a graft... just a taped on limb.
So all the above shared, would you just wait to do anything until next year if all 3 grafts take or would you recommend pruning any growth off to better feed one of the scions versus all? Maybe prune some of the tiny spindly parent branches off if all the scions fill with leaves?
MUCH appreciate your advice!
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