TV - What to do....


5 year old buck +
So I've had dish network since I built my house in '05. Recently things have gone south quickly with local channels dispute about airwaves and being paid by dish. So Basically I have no CBS/FOX and ABC/NBC is leaving next week.

Media streaming services are my first thought to go to but can I watch any hunting shows like Thirteen or any of that on them? I'm a MLB channel nut as I love baseball.

Worried about losing the live tv that I've never not had for football games, you know normal stuff.

What have ya'll done?
Switch to Direct, take advantage of the low prices for a year, then eat the full price stuff for another year, then switch back to dish and take advantage of the new lower prices, and keep playing the game.

But you should really make a mounting block for your dishes so you dont have 6 different ones screwed to your roof. No, shit, I took 6 dishes off a house one time cause the guy had been playing this exact game for the last 15 years and they kept giving him a new dish.
I've been with DirecTV and will stay with them as long as I can continue to take one of my boxes from home and hook it up to my self installed satellite dish up at the cabin for service at two addresses for one price. Once that loophole closes I don't know what I'll do.
I'm not of any help but completely understand what you're saying. I watch very little TV and my kids watch Netflix more than regular programming. I'd get rid of Dish Network if it wasn't for being able to watch the sports programming. Even at that, I still debate it.
Been looking at doing the same thing for a while. Sports is our hangup! I've found online sports but they are either pay per view or 24hrs late. I'm not watching Monday night Football on Tuesday! So far I haven't found a way to do it. If you do find a way please let me know as I would to cut dish out of the picture.
Someone said something about thoughts?
I refuse to pay for cable or satellite. Bought a Roku (one time fee) and I pay for Netflix and my internet, about $44.00 month. There are lots of free channels but none of them are live, pick an episode and watch it, basically. There are free hunting and fishing channels but they vary in quality. I stream sports from a website that I think is based in Sweden called that has every game you could possibly want to watch. Originally I had a gadget that would send the image to my TV but it wasn't very good quality so now I just watch on the laptop. Make sure you have Adblocker installed and don't click any links on that site. They usually have 5 or 6 options to stream (different broadcasts) and you may have to try a couple before you find one with a good stream. A lot of the cable channels are available on Roku but you need to have a paid account with a satellite or cable company to access them (like HBO GO). This is easily circumvented by not being an ass so your friends who pay for cable will give you their password. Eventually we will be able to purchase only the channels we want and watch them on whatever device we choose. Part of my decision to not pay for cable or satellite is to try to help bring on that change. Add a high quality digital antennae and you can get HD local channels, too, including the major networks.
I would agree with the digital antenna. If you are near a Metro area you will have all or most of your network tv. All those network stations still do send out a free broadcast signal, might as well take advantage of it. Maybe this will help, not sure exactly how far you are from any of these stations, but it would be worth looking into. You can get a really good setup for a couple hundred bucks or less(sometimes much less).
I would agree with the digital antenna. If you are near a Metro area you will have all or most of your network tv. All those network stations still do send out a free broadcast signal, might as well take advantage of it. Maybe this will help, not sure exactly how far you are from any of these stations, but it would be worth looking into. You can get a really good setup for a couple hundred bucks or less(sometimes much less).

Unfortunately I'm in 'rural' America. :)
WOW am I an idiot, I forgot to attach the network list I found for your area. DOH!

You must be in proximity to some of these stations. If you are within about 60 miles and get that antenna up in the air a bit you will get some of these.
I'm another direct tv user here.
I'm struggling with the same damn thing. Only, I'm not a sports guy. There are a handful of shows I like watching. Monday Night Raw, Smackdown, Tough Enough, the SD/ND outdoor shows on Midcontinent. I'm getting tired of my $148 bill every month. I lowered my tv package a few months ago. It saved me $11, the next month, the lower package was raised in price by $9. Damn near chucked the reciever off the deck.
I've been with DirecTV and will stay with them as long as I can continue to take one of my boxes from home and hook it up to my self installed satellite dish up at the cabin for service at two addresses for one price. Once that loophole closes I don't know what I'll do.
No loop hole. They actually offer this service. I had them instal a dish both places and we take a box back and forth. They say you are not suppose to watch at both locations at the same time but I have a hard time believing they will be able to figure that out.
I'm struggling with the same damn thing. Only, I'm not a sports guy. There are a handful of shows I like watching. Monday Night Raw, Smackdown, Tough Enough, the SD/ND outdoor shows on Midcontinent. I'm getting tired of my $148 bill every month. I lowered my tv package a few months ago. It saved me $11, the next month, the lower package was raised in price by $9. Damn near chucked the reciever off the deck.

Eventually, when enough people have quit cable and satellite, and enough individual stations have started offering internet based programming on an a la carte basis, they will all have to follow suit. We will be able to purchase only the channels we want. They will also be able to make up lost advertising revenue by charging more for "no commercials" or maybe offer the channel free with commercials. I just need all of you to drop your cable so it happens sooner.
Direct TV here
It's coming. I almost quit when I got Amazon Prime.
No problem, just get me high speed internet first :rolleyes: The only option here is a satellite dish (which I have), but the limitation on streaming video is ridiculous.

Do you have good cell phone signal strength? If so you can get internet through say Verizon and then have a hot spot for your other devices. Thats what my sister does who lives in the country.
I refuse to pay for cable or satellite. Bought a Roku (one time fee) and I pay for Netflix and my internet, about $44.00 month. There are lots of free channels but none of them are live, pick an episode and watch it, basically. There are free hunting and fishing channels but they vary in quality. I stream sports from a website that I think is based in Sweden called that has every game you could possibly want to watch. Originally I had a gadget that would send the image to my TV but it wasn't very good quality so now I just watch on the laptop. Make sure you have Adblocker installed and don't click any links on that site. They usually have 5 or 6 options to stream (different broadcasts) and you may have to try a couple before you find one with a good stream. A lot of the cable channels are available on Roku but you need to have a paid account with a satellite or cable company to access them (like HBO GO). This is easily circumvented by not being an ass so your friends who pay for cable will give you their password. Eventually we will be able to purchase only the channels we want and watch them on whatever device we choose. Part of my decision to not pay for cable or satellite is to try to help bring on that change. Add a high quality digital antennae and you can get HD local channels, too, including the major networks.

Ok, what is a good brand and model of a digital antenna? I have a radio shack indoor antenna at my hunting place and it's not working all that well. I have been thinking about a large outdoor antenna. If somebody knows of a goof unit let me know.