Turkey deterrent?


5 year old buck +
Anyone know of a turkey deterrent other than a 12 gauge for keeping them off your plot? I have one cereal grain plot that they totally destroyed this fall.
10 ga;)
I have a coyote decoy that I've used in the past to keep them off until the plot was up and growing. Eventually the animals get used to it though as I've had deer tracks right up to it.
20 Gauge is more common..can't remember the last time I saw 10 Guage shells
20 Gauge is more common..can't remember the last time I saw 10 Guage shells
Between turkey loads and steel shot waterfowl loads I bet I have a couple hundred rounds of 10 ga shells at least.;) Bring 'em on! I know that Gander has them and so does Wiebke Fur.
Seriously though, get some stakes in the ground placed randomly throughout your plots and get your hands on some of the old aluminum pie tins, even the small ones from pot pies. punch a hole in the pie tin and tie them to the stake with some sturdy string. Let them blow around in the wind and flash in the sunlight, turkeys do not like the movement, or the noise they make clanging off the metal stake, nor the random flashing of the reflection from the aluminum. It isn't foolproof, but it is cheap and pretty effective until they get used to them, and then you can pull up the stakes and move them around the plot area to confuse them further. This also works with a couple scarecrow men with the pans hanging from the cross arms of the scarecrow.
Nothing u can do, bigger plot
Anyone know of a turkey deterrent other than a 12 gauge for keeping them off your plot? I have one cereal grain plot that they totally destroyed this fall.
I feel your pain they wipe out 2 acres corn by mid
December my Chippewa property. Had DNR out agree have problem but could not get permit from Dept. of AG. because food plots not true ag.

I was thinking 50 lbs corn plus 1 lb Tannerite looks like works great for hogs.
The deer s/b ok with that? How about a plastic owl? The grape vineyards in cal all have tinsel which scares the birds.

I have never found the deer to be bothered by this after the first week or so, at least the does and younger deer. Can't really say so much about mature bucks, we didn't have a whole lot of those around to judge things by. Our deer seemed to be far less wary of the pie tins than the turkeys. We did it in both small corn plots(which failed eventually due to the sand) and small soybean plots, which showed no signs of turkey damage, but the deer still ate the soybeans to the ground. The plastic owl should work.
I would liek a way to keep turkeys off of my property year round and still long for the days when they did not exist in central Minnesota.

Feathered rats in my book.I'll take deer, grouse, and pheasants.
I would liek a way to keep turkeys off of my property year round and still long for the days when they did not exist in central Minnesota.

Feathered rats in my book.I'll take deer, grouse, and pheasants.
Can you guys hunt turkey in the fall or just the spring? We can hunt the hens in the fall with pretty much unlimited tags.
Yes. My area I can get as many as I want but gets
Expensive. 12.00 per tag on line can only purchase 1 at a time. Plus I primarily use bow . Hunt between 9 am And 3pm. So we do not disturb deer. Arrows add to expense turkey tuff to kill small kill zone. So you will have some run or fly off with arrows.

Between self and others Shoot over 20 hens yearly. I allow about anyone with bow permission . Have elevated blind above corn . With easy in and out access.

Has had minimal effect. I have perfect habitat . Food., year round water and some old growth white pine for roosting. They come in large numbers mid October.

Last year took my dog over daily to flush
Out of corn let up for week and they are back again.

My hill sides down to river get stripped clean of acorns new growth plants and trees. 10 years ago they were rare here.

It is frustrating!!!
I have turkey's like Nofo has deer. 5-6 years ago a couple pine martins did a number on them, that is the only quick solution.
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Can you guys hunt turkey in the fall or just the spring? We can hunt the hens in the fall with pretty much unlimited tags.
We can buy one either sex tag for the fall season.

they just moved onto my place over the last few days. Most years they are here during firearms season and I hate it.