Trump Assassination attempt #1 and #2

How can you look at all the facts and all the f ups and not see an inside job here? Admittedly I am somewhat of a conspiracy theorist but I tried to not go there with this. It keeps grabbing me by the nose and pulling me back in .

Sorry Bill, I don't. That's not where my mind goes...I am not a flat Earth, chem. trail, grassy knoll, Area 51, fake moon landing conspiracy theory kind of a guy.

I could flip the question and ask you how you could possibly believe that this dorky social misfit...the kind of kid who fits the description of most disgruntled mass shooters over the past quarter century...the kid who didn't make his high school marksmanship team....the kid who bought ammo that day for his dad's borrowed rifle...was the guy deep state operatives for some reason picked to be an elite assassin?

100% agree with you though that this was a total collapse and failure of the secret service. The mistakes that were made were utterly baffling, and if not for what was at stake, I would also say utterly laughable. In November of 1990 President Bush visited US troops stationed at King Abdul Aziz Air Base in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia for Thanksgiving during Desert Shield. I was detailed along with 2 of my buddies and 2 sec. service snipers to the top of a building that oversaw the podium where he gave his famous speech...about 500 yards away. We had scoped M14's and high power binocculars and our job was simply to scan and keep a broad eye out for trouble on and around the tarmac...scanning other buildings, tents, hardened aircraft shelters, etc. So, I tell you this because I've been there, and I understand that it can be hectic and chaotic and, at times, an overwhelming job. I don't know why the sec. service snipers allowed this kid to climb that roof and remain alive for as long as they did. The facts, at face value, are horrendous, I agree. But I don't go conspiracy theory.
I don't think he was picked. I think it was allowed to happen. They probably assumed whoever stepped up would be able to shoot. If it wouldn't have happened then and there, I bet there'd be loose security at following rallies.
But…for as “bad” as that crew was, they still had him sitting in the crosshairs before he pulled the trigger. Remember these are still vetted, trained snipers with the secret service. You don’t get to that position, even on the C team, without a ton of weeding out and then training. Humor me, but if you are told to hold off on pulling the trigger it doesn’t matter if you are the A team or the C team. It’s not like they were completely caught off guard by a sniper in ghillie suit 600 yards away laying motionless in some vegetation.

Supposedly their ROE was that they couldn’t take the first shot. STUPID choice of ROE, but that comes from the top…. Not the sniper team.

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Sorry Bill, I don't. That's not where my mind goes...I am not a flat Earth, chem. trail, grassy knoll, Area 51, fake moon landing conspiracy theory kind of a guy.

I could flip the question and ask you how you could possibly believe that this dorky social misfit...the kind of kid who fits the description of most disgruntled mass shooters over the past quarter century...the kid who didn't make his high school marksmanship team....the kid who bought ammo that day for his dad's borrowed rifle...was the guy deep state operatives for some reason picked to be an elite assassin?

100% agree with you though that this was a total collapse and failure of the secret service. The mistakes that were made were utterly baffling, and if not for what was at stake, I would also say utterly laughable. In November of 1990 President Bush visited US troops stationed at King Abdul Aziz Air Base in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia for Thanksgiving during Desert Shield. I was detailed along with 2 of my buddies and 2 sec. service snipers to the top of a building that oversaw the podium where he gave his famous speech...about 500 yards away. We had scoped M14's and high power binocculars and our job was simply to scan and keep a broad eye out for trouble on and around the tarmac...scanning other buildings, tents, hardened aircraft shelters, etc. So, I tell you this because I've been there, and I understand that it can be hectic and chaotic and, at times, an overwhelming job. I don't know why the sec. service snipers allowed this kid to climb that roof and remain alive for as long as they did. The facts, at face value, are horrendous, I agree. But I don't go conspiracy theory.
That's definitely your prerogative Natty. I just don't see how something like this happens without internal help. Maybe they didn't "pick" him but they sure as hell did nothing to stop him. Government knows everything about everyone, I find it hard to believe they didn't have intell on this days before
Then it took 2 days I believe for them to get into his phone?? I'm sure they could get into any phone on earth in 30 seconds or less... If they want to. Then we are supposed to believe this is literally the only 20something on earth with no social media, no Internet footprint? To quote a really wise man at the top of his game (or so I'm told lol) C'mon man !
That's definitely your prerogative Natty. I just don't see how something like this happens without internal help. Maybe they didn't "pick" him but they sure as hell did nothing to stop him. Government knows everything about everyone, I find it hard to believe they didn't have intell on this days before
Then it took 2 days I believe for them to get into his phone?? I'm sure they could get into any phone on earth in 30 seconds or less... If they want to. Then we are supposed to believe this is literally the only 20something on earth with no social media, no Internet footprint? To quote a really wise man at the top of his game (or so I'm told lol) C'mon man !

There’s a big difference between intercepting phone communications and brute forcing full access to the OS and hard drive… I absolutely believe it took 2 days to get in, and the FBI and SS is just glad it was an older operating system or they still wouldn’t be in.

If he was running an iPhone on the latest IOS version, they still wouldn’t have cracked it.

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The amount of evidence piling up in this, there’s more people involved. Why would this kid have encrypted overseas accounts.

Personally I’m very suspicious of the huge short/put position on Friday … now they say was “an error “. It was on the board on Friday, but has since been removed. They shorted DJT stock (large put position). It’s a huge red flag !
I want to reiterate my point above about my town. I use to live in metro Atlanta. In the 80’s and 90’s it was deep red in my county. In a matter of a couple years in the 2000’s it went DEEP blue. To the point about liberalism spreading, give me an example of a deep blue or even moderately blue town, city, county, states, flipping to red…I’ll hang up and listen. To further that, find me a country that has become more conservative. France and England just had their dicks slammed in the door recently by false hope. Liberalism comes on slowly and then goes off like a nuke.
I honestly don’t believe it’s liberalism, I believe it’s evil that is spreading…..prove me wrong☹️
There’s a big difference between intercepting phone communications and brute forcing full access to the OS and hard drive… I absolutely believe it took 2 days to get in, and the FBI and SS is just glad it was an older operating system or they still wouldn’t be in.

If he was running an iPhone on the latest IOS version, they still wouldn’t have cracked it.

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I guarantee if this was a trump supporting conservative who tried to off Biden they would have been in in 30nseconds or less. If they want in they have ways. Your local police know how to get into almost any phone known to man in no time for God's sake.
That's definitely your prerogative Natty. I just don't see how something like this happens without internal help. Maybe they didn't "pick" him but they sure as hell did nothing to stop him. Government knows everything about everyone, I find it hard to believe they didn't have intell on this days before
Then it took 2 days I believe for them to get into his phone?? I'm sure they could get into any phone on earth in 30 seconds or less... If they want to. Then we are supposed to believe this is literally the only 20something on earth with no social media, no Internet footprint? To quote a really wise man at the top of his game (or so I'm told lol) C'mon man !

I hear you. They sure as hell did not stop him. The evidence is 100% mind-blowingly baffling. Absolutely crazy how bad of a FUBAR moment this is for the sec. service.
I don't think he was picked. I think it was allowed to happen. They probably assumed whoever stepped up would be able to shoot. If it wouldn't have happened then and there, I bet there'd be loose security at following rallies.

I will admit...with the facts that are known so far, it certainly is very hard to deny that this was allowed to happen as you say. The optics are just terrible, and I can easily see where conspiracy theories begin to take hold. It does look really bad.
I will admit...with the facts that are known so far, it certainly is very hard to deny that this was allowed to happen as you say. The optics are just terrible, and I can easily see where conspiracy theories begin to take hold. It does look really bad.
That's what I'm saying, either they helped him , they nudged him to do it or they allowed it to happen, anyway it happened it had to be from the inside
Mayor Pete was stumping on Bill Maher's show yesterday. Didn't come right out and say it, but it's what he was doing.
It's plausible to think that this kid did not act alone in the sense he may have been manipulated by bad actors or foreign agents. Will be interesting to see what is learned about his phone and these encrypted accounts.

The SS and FBI's "nothing to see here" attitude is only fueling speculation and public distrust of these agencies. One cannot dispute the fact that the FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc. have all worked hard to destroy Trump and his presidency.

There is a good chance that the reason why the SS/FBI are not communicating is that the more they dig into this, the more disturbing info they find. And this info may show a failure on their part to act.

CYA time, hopefully the whistle blowers will help shed light on what is actually happening.
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Libs think it was all staged in order to boost Trum'p's prestige and air of invincibility....slingshot him into the presidency against the backdrop of probably what will go down as one of the top 10 most impactful political photos of the 21st century.

Conservatives think it was as an inside job....deep state operatives groomed a pimply-faced social odd-ball who wasn't good enough of a shot to make his high school shooting team....few friends, bullied, a two-bit job, probably never had a girlfriend in his life...and thought he was the perfect candidate for a government hit job that would alter the course of our country and even world events.

The extreme of one, is balanced by the other. Used to be to see a circus you had to go to the big tent. Now we're living it....and the clowns walk amongst us.
Let’s say this was simply incompetence on the SS part this must be a very good cross section of all Federal employees competence so it makes me wonder again why we have any of the alphabet soup agencies at all if the SS is the best of the best then they all are clearly useless.
It's plausible to think that this kid did not act alone in the sense he may have been manipulated by bad actors or foreign agents. Will be interesting to see what is learned about his phone and these encrypted accounts.

The SS and FBI's "nothing to see here" attitude is only fueling speculation and public distrust of these agencies. One cannot dispute the fact that the FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc. have all worked hard to destroy Trump and his presidency.
Yep the same people that have trying to destroy him from day one, are investigating this ? It’s insane.

There should have been a press conference every day about this ? Can you imagine if this was Obama ? We’d know everything right now.
Three off shore bank accounts allegedly

I'm having a hard time believing that some pimp faced gomer, that likely never touched a vagina, suddenly turned into MacGyver and James Bond right before our eyes. He got EVERYTHING to go right so he could get in position to take his shots..... Off shore bank accounts?? 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 . Infinite clown. Kid likely doesn't have enough money to buy his pimple cream, but yeah he's got Swiss bank accounts. His off shore accounts were probably some Pokémon trading cards he got off a 12 year old kid in Korea.

This kid single handedly pulled of one of best assassination attempts since John Hinckley, only this one was much more impressive.... In the real world this doesnt happen without significant help or coercion.
I'm having a hard time believing that some pimp faced gomer, that likely never touched a vagina, suddenly turned into MacGyver and James Bond right before our eyes. He got EVERYTHING to go right so he could get in position to take his shots..... Off shore bank accounts?? 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 . Infinite clown. Kid likely doesn't have enough money to buy his pimple cream, but yeah he's got Swiss bank accounts. His off shore accounts were probably some Pokémon trading cards he got off a 12 year old kid in Korea.

This kid single handedly pulled of one of best assassination attempts since John Hinckley, only this one was much more impressive.... In the real world this doesnt happen without significant help or coercion.
I wonder how many assassination attempts are thwarted by law enforcement each year?? .....and how many are not carried out as the right conditions or right scenario do not materialize?? Also, some may simply have a change of heart or chicken out at the moment of truth?

Lots of crazies out there.....IMO.