Trespassing and theft is now being taught to children


5 year old buck +
pics pretty much tell the story. I tracked down vehicle and called the driver (74 year old grandmother). I requested the girls come apologize and reinstall the signs. In which case is I'd forgive and have much respect for them. They declined that offer. What charges should I be requesting? I'm thinking trespassing for driver, and then theft or vandalism along with littering or dumping for the girls. Any suggestions are welcomedI__00125.JPGI__00124(1).JPG20200713_151256.jpg20200713_094208.jpg
The kids didn’t drive themselves and there is zero chance they hatched that ideal on their own. I’d charge up the old bag as much as you can.

I got in some trouble when I was about 12 years old. It landed me in a courtroom. I had to apologize to everyone involved and had to write letters to them as well even the damn judge for wasting his time. At the time I thought that was the most agonizing thing ever. I have never forgotten that. That’s what I would be after from the kids.
well I am going to guess the charges will NOT be up to you, but rather what the local authorities feel is possible to charge with and be able to prove that things happened

and this also is nothing new, , I have on MANY occasions caught father and sons, and even grandfather, son and grand son ALL trespassing at same time before

its why I always say its a generation thing, taught by parents, that so many trespass here in PA and feel its there RIGHT to do so, as that is what the parents always tell me when I catch them that its THERE RIGHT to do as they please cause they LIVE THERE or near by and that some how means to them its there RIGHT to go where ever they feel!.

any how, as for your issue
I am going to maybe sound like a jerk here, but don;t mean to! just saying what I see in your pic's

but, for one, I am guessing your SIGNS were stolen, but I have to ask, are they 100% on your property, or the road right a way, as some what look to me they might be on the road right a way, making any issue's with them be not possible!

next, do you have any actual pictures or videos of them actually in possession of the signs?
YES I know its trivial, but when things go to court this can be brought up!( I am currently in a theft case with mail thief ad it is part of the case, I have both pictures and vid and eye witnessed the theft and put together a case, of capturing the last 11 days in a row stealing things and setting up a sting operation in my driveway! and its still not a sure deal I am told? GO figure, criminals have more rights than honest folks at times, and since this was MAIL being stolen, , and supposed to be a FEDERAL case, due to lack of care by Post office and Fed, they are passing it down to local courts)

Over the yrs I have taken many trespassers to court, and its NEVER easy, so, heads up
if any of these folks admit to the crime, get it on recording before getting the law evolved is, my suggestion, video confession even better!

fro,m there talk to local law , and ask then what all they can do for you! and do ALL they can!
might end up costing you time and even MONEY to do so, but it does send a message if you are ina smaller town where rumors fly and travel far and fast!
I would dump a bag of sugar in her gas tank, throw a couple 5lb boxes of screws on their driveway and maybe walk around their lawn with a hand sprayer and some atrazine at a rate of about 10# per acre and write the word TRUMP and a giant middle finger.
pics pretty much tell the story. I tracked down vehicle and called the driver (74 year old grandmother). I requested the girls come apologize and reinstall the signs. In which case is I'd forgive and have much respect for them. They declined that offer. What charges should I be requesting? I'm thinking trespassing for driver, and then theft or vandalism along with littering or dumping for the girls. Any suggestions are welcomedView attachment 30626View attachment 30627View attachment 30628View attachment 30629

Perhaps ask that the grandmother be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. :emoji_grin:
Put two more signs out and taunt them. But this time hook up an electric fencer and put a trail camera on it. There was one on the TB of a pudgy soy boy getting zapped and sent straight up in the air.

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The grandmother did admit to it. Officer is heading over with citations. I would love to write trump in her yard but vandalism would be sinking to her level. It's a small town, and she raised a great son who happened to be world famous sorta (Olympics) however she seems to fail at raising grandkids. Needless to say this will be all over town in no time. I live 3 hours away from that property and have had signs disappear before hence the camera. Started with a simple trump sign, every time something disappears i add more. Currently at 2 trump signs, a recall whitmer sign, a trump flag and blue line flag.
Considering putting a Biden sign on a different parcel I own up the same road with a cam just to see if anyone screws with that or if it's just a side known for vandalism
Kids will be kids, but I'd focus on grandma. She at least aided the act if not encouraged it. She is the adult here. If grandma gets a significant penalty, it will teach the girls that their actions affect those they care about.
It sounds like your initial offer was reasonable. Perhaps if your local law enforcement explains their options to them in person in uniform, they may realize your offer isn't so bad. You pretty much have a confession on the text message coupled with the pics are enough to charge.

When I was a teenager I drove the wrong way through the exit to get into the drive in. (There were no spikes back then to prevent entry that way). They got my tag number and the police showed up at my house, I wasn't home yet. My father was waiting for me when I got home several hours later. The next day he took me to the drive in, made me apologize, and pay the owner the entrance fee, $3.
Talk about a learned lesson and embarrassment. That was 32 years ago. I'll never forget I got grounded for a month.
So the officer just called and said that all parties admitted to it including 2 more kids in car that didn't get out. Officer said they're eager to come apologize now. Unfortunately for them my offer expired as I'm not up there now, and I already replaced signage. Officer charged girls with Larson and littering both have higher fines than theft. Grandmother also got Larson as he said trespassing is difficult since they claim they where visiting my neighbor who has a easement across my road. (My neighbor has already told them they may never step foot on his or my property again). I did recommend the girls don't get fines if they do lawn mowing and help at the local fairgrounds. Fair was shut down due to the dictator governor and they've been struggling to find volunteers now that they can't afford to pay normal grounds crew. And of course I expect they'll be wearing a mask while cutting grass to impress their governor
well I am glad to hear things went to the legal end and there being fines at someone is!
and I would agree, kids won't care about the fines as such as odds are the parents/grand parents will only fund things
I'd rather see them work off the costs in some way, be it at a local cemetery , maybe taking care of the veterans head stones and such!or picking up trash road side for a few miles a few days a week!

let them learn what real work is,as far too many kids today are spoiled, all the more so by grand parents! IMO
we all want better for our kids, but I think as some point things have gotten out of hand going too far!

just look at how few kids today know how to ride a pedal powered bicycle , yet can drive an atv or sxs!
due to parents grand parents buying them so early due to they have the $$ and maybe didn;t have when THEY were kids, so spoiling the kids now!

lots of life's lessons IMO< are being lost due to kids being given things, we all worked for and did/learned the hard way!
a shame too, as I know I woudn;t be the person I am now, if I had things given to me as kid!
That went well. In my neck of the woods the sheriff and prosecutor would have went school with the grand mom and nothing would have happened!
Wow, I’m glad the LEO took it seriously and actually issued citations.

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Hopefully the parents and grandparent are responsible enough to make sure all the kids get the right lesson from this. But given what happened, who knows?
Tic toc has several videos of electrifying Trump sign. I cry laughing at every one of them.
Tic toc has several videos of electrifying Trump sign. I cry laughing at every one of them.
How do you find those? I'm new to tic toc and searching never yields what I'm looking for on that app
I am glad that this is being resolved. I have kids that are little bit older and a little bit younger than the girl in the photo. I would bet money that the girl in the photo did not write that text message. My experience with teenagers that age is that they do not use proper grammar, punctuation, or write texts in complete sentences. The comma before the but is a dead giveaway in my mind. I think Grandma wrote that text.
So the officer just called and said that all parties admitted to it including 2 more kids in car that didn't get out. Officer said they're eager to come apologize now. Unfortunately for them my offer expired as I'm not up there now, and I already replaced signage. Officer charged girls with Larson and littering both have higher fines than theft. Grandmother also got Larson as he said trespassing is difficult since they claim they where visiting my neighbor who has a easement across my road. (My neighbor has already told them they may never step foot on his or my property again). I did recommend the girls don't get fines if they do lawn mowing and help at the local fairgrounds. Fair was shut down due to the dictator governor and they've been struggling to find volunteers now that they can't afford to pay normal grounds crew. And of course I expect they'll be wearing a mask while cutting grass to impress their governor

btw you are my hero for the day for following through with this and teaching them a lesson. Thank you!!!
How do you find those? I'm new to tic toc and searching never yields what I'm looking for on that app
I am no expert. My feed is chicks in bikinis, groin shots, and everything pro trump. They just show up. Next time I see one I will post the link