
So the guy has not been "formally" charged yet? Damn I thought stuff in the city moved slow.
WOW talk about SLOW. The dude I pressed charges against was over and done within a month.
So the guy has not been "formally" charged yet? Damn I thought stuff in the city moved slow.

Nope. And I did a search on his name and arrest to see if it came up. Nothing about trespass. But he and another guy showed up at a house and kicked the teeth out of a guy this past summer. He's out on a $65k bond while he's trespassing on my place with a high power rifle strapped to his back.

You can't make this stuff up.
Nope. And I did a search on his name and arrest to see if it came up. Nothing about trespass. But he and another guy showed up at a house and kicked the teeth out of a guy this past summer. He's out on a $65k bond while he's trespassing on my place with a high power rifle strapped to his back.

You can't make this stuff up.
Whoa! Hope there are no repercussions from this guy as your case progresses.

Seems like the system runs a lot smoother and quickier when the police arrest and charge instead of referring charges to the prosecutor who wants nothing other than an absolute slam dunk case for his/her stats before charging the offender.
No warnings here either. Our camp and all others around us prosecute to the fullest extent of the law for every charge that can be leveled. Bright yellow and orange posters all up and down the mountain road. No excuses. We write down any license number we see parked along the road, and cross-check with all camps. We busted a few people by doing this.

Glad you got him identified and charged. If he's already in hot water for assault and out on bond, trespassing will only add to his list of laws broken. It paints him as chronic offender - hopefully judge tightens the screws on him with a record of several charges against him. Obviously he's not an " oops .... honest mistake " guy.
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Whoa! Hope there are no repercussions from this guy as your case progresses.

Seems like the system runs a lot smoother and quickier when the police arrest and charge instead of referring charges to the prosecutor who wants nothing other than an absolute slam dunk case for his/her stats before charging the offender.

Don't know about repercussions. It's probably easier to show up with your buddy at a known victims house and beat the crap out of him than it is to show up at guys house you don't know. Particularly when you know the unknown guy is probable packing.

I have my concealed carry permit and use it. Also never to far from an AR. Not that either is a 100% gaurentee of safety. But I like my chances.