

Well I got one.

The sheriffs deputy just left. Deputy asked if the property was posted with signs or purple paint.

I produced a picture with the guys truck, purple paint on a post and two signs.

Deputy said yea that will do.....

In my statement I stated that per MDC's website the court could revoke hunting privileges for a year in addition to trespass fines. I requested the prosecutor seek this also..



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Good for you Bill. The only warnings I give are like you, the signs. I ain't wasting the CO's time nor mine with another verbal warning. Time to get their attention with them opening their wallet.
Patroling perimeters and limiting trespassers is an important component of managing a property.
Drove past two signs, a painted post and parked right by the gate? What a dumba--.
Drove past two signs, a painted post and parked right by the gate? What a dumba--.

Oh it gets better. He said he was lost, trying to xyz's property, parked in the wrong spot, bla bla bla. Then he said he grew up right down the road.
Lost,- my ass.
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Good for you. I hope he gets the book thrown at him.
Good signs too. U make them yourself
Nice job Bill.
Yep, sometimes you just have to shake your head. Hopefully, they throw everything at him.
Good signs too. U make them yourself

Yes both signs I had made. The metal leased land signs we done by a local sign shop. Paint over aluminum. The don't hold up well.

The yellow plastic signs, I ordered online and they are holding up well. And there big!
Yes both signs I had made. The metal leased land signs we done by a local sign shop. Paint over aluminum. The don't hold up well.

The yellow plastic signs, I ordered online and they are holding up well. And there big!
Bill can you send me a message with where you ordering the no trespassing signs?
Bill can you send me a message with where you ordering the no trespassing signs?

The small metal ones were don by a local printer who's out of business. The big realtor like yellow corrugated plastic sign I've gotten twice from 2 different places on line. I shop someone like this and a few others and see who has the best deal.
Just got a call from the Deputy handling this case. The prosecutor is moving forward with charges. Man the wheels of justice are screaming fast that only took 2 months.
It's nice that the deputy is keeping you informed.
That's good news. I'm assuming they're moving forward with the maximum penalty?
It's nice that the deputy is keeping you informed.

I didn't really give him much choice, I've called him every two weeks or so since it happened :)

That's good news. I'm assuming they're moving forward with the maximum penalty?

That's what he said class A $500/max fine, 1 year loss of license. That's walking into the court house. Then the prosecutor cuts a deal with his lawyer for him to plead guilty for $250 and it never goes to trial. He walks cheap with a license, his lawyer did his job and got him a deal and prosecutor gets a conviction. Everyone wins.

And I'll take that as a win too. I don't really care about how much it cost him. My main concern is that word of it costing him spreads. :D
Great signs and glad you have good law enforcement.
That's how it's done!
Bet he doesn't get lost so much anymore after paying his fine and his lawyer!
And I'll take that as a win too. I don't really care about how much it cost him. My main concern is that word of it costing him spreads. :D

It will spread. It did for me and I haven't had a problem since.
It's become painfully obvious that you have to be your own advocate in these cases.

Been following up for weeks and the prosecutor keeps saying its on his desk and he'll get to it a week or so. :(

But I'm not letting up.