Tree Watering Times

White Oak

5 year old buck +
I've read it's best to water trees , along with everything else like gardens and flowers in the mornings before 10 am because it can stop the spread of some diseases . For those of us that work day shift , it's virtually impossible to do except on weekends. They say the worst time to water is 11 am to 3 PM or at night .

I normally water my trees and garden in the evenings after work from 4 to 6 PM . Although not the ideal time , I can't say I've ever noticed any ill effects on my trees (but there could be) ....but it could be the reason I have issues with my tomatoes. Just trying to see what times you other working guys water your trees , it's not like we can control when it rains at night , "one of the worst times to water" , so I'll probably stick with watering when I can between 4 and 6 pm. It's got to be better than no water at all, right ?
Water when I have time. I worked landscaping for 6yrs, never saw an actual real life problem with watering at night. Imagine zone and weather patterns could make a difference though.

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The watering in the morning guideline is mostly for fungal problems getting the leaves of plants wet without the chance to evaporate quickly. I think with watering at the base, it's fine.
My new fruit trees at the farms are lucky to get watered a couple times a week first summer, I try and do evenings with my reasoning being less evaporation. The shrubs and conifers I have planted I never watered.
My stuff at home and in the garden I do a few times a week always in the evenings.
I water whenever I get the time. I haven't had any issues.
ToddG I haven't either
Water when I have time. I worked landscaping for 6yrs, never saw an actual real life problem with watering at night. Imagine zone and weather patterns could make a difference though.

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Sounds like you would know....thanks for the reply
My new fruit trees at the farms are lucky to get watered a couple times a week first summer, I try and do evenings with my reasoning being less evaporation. The shrubs and conifers I have planted I never watered.
My stuff at home and in the garden I do a few times a week always in the evenings.
Thanks , sounds like I was worried about nothing.
" when you have time....

I have to go water trees right now.... but Im on here instead, bad timing move on my part