Tree ordering

I agree with the Stark trees and the shipping...I already have at least twenty pear trees in the ground of thirteen or so different varieties, I've decided to go full on stupid with pears because why not I did it with apples might as well with pears too. So I'm putting in about seven more varieties to get it out of my system for a little while!

What are some Pear varieties you've liked and seen thrive? You are in a similar zone to me.
I tried to urge my buddy upstate with a bit of an orchard to go full on clover under his trees, feed the bees and keep em around for flowering time and bring the deer to the clover as well.
I tried to urge my buddy upstate with a bit of an orchard to go full on clover under his trees, feed the bees and keep em around for flowering time and bring the deer to the clover as well.

Yup, I have some spots I have no desire for food to be present (an old part of a dirt bike track) I've consider planting wildflower mixes into just for the pollination/bee attractive nature of them. Which will lead to better production of my fruit trees in the end as well.
What are some Pear varieties you've liked and seen thrive? You are in a similar zone to me.

Keiffer has definetly been the best so far with Bartlett and Moonglow close behind.
I have some of the Wildlife Group pears like Gate/Becton/Gilmer Christmas/Ms Lanene in that are growing great but haven't been in long enough to be fruiting yet. None of the pear varieties I've planted so far have let me down so far, I've been very lucky with them all growing well.
My long term goal with pears is the same as with my apples , to try and have fruit drop from August-December.

Like a lot of members on here I plant a clover mix in my orchards, I like red/ladino/crimson blend with chicory. Deer seem to graze daily and I see deer beds all over in them.