Tree Growth


5 year old buck +
I just happened to snap this pic today of a Burr Oak Tree. I have lots of Burr Oak Regen coming up naturally now.

I happed to notice this one in I put a stake by it so as to not mow it off (it's near my shed and next to my buck pole). It's just a volunteer natural regen nothing special about it.

Burr Oak.JPG
I'd guess its nearly 8' high now......and perhaps 1.5" diameter at the base. Even has a few small acorns this year. :) How does this compare with trees on your property??

In general, my pines will grow about 18" to nearly 24" per year - as evidenced by the pine tree behind the oak. I believe this is pretty good growth and attribute this to the water table only being a few feet below (6-10 feet). Thoughts on tree growth?
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I just happened to snap this pic today of a Burr Oak Tree. I have lots of Burr Oak Regen coming up naturally now.

I happed to notice this one in I put a stake by it so as to not mow it off (it's near my shed and next to my buck pole). It's just a volunteer natural regen nothing special about it.

I'd guess its nearly 8' high now......and perhaps 1.5" diameter at the base. Even has a few small acorns this year. :) How does this compare with trees on your property??

In general, my pines will grow about 18" to nearly 24" per year - as evidenced by the pine tree behind the oak. I believe this is pretty good growth and attribute this to the water table only being a few feet below (6-10 feet). Thoughts on tree growth?

I'd say that's really good growth and to have acorns already, I have some Bur gambels I planted 3yrs ago and this year they came out of the 5' tubes but they aren't near diameter of yours. Maybe some sort of Bur hybrid?

I would say that is good growth. I planted some Burr oak acorns this spring in my nursery. Best ones are probably 24-30" tall 1/4" diameter at ground level. The ones I direct seeded at the farm are maybe 6" tall. Poorer soil and not watered. Hoping they will take off and grow in the next couple years. I do agree with the first year they sleep, second year they creep and third year they leap phrase. The 3 year old DCOs at my house have exploded with growth this year.