Trail camera survey


bat man

Pulled food plot/lick tree cards on about 400 acres and sorted the pictures. Things could change in the next month or so but still worried about last winter.

2, 1.5 year old buck pics
59, 2.5 year old + buck pics
118 does pics
17 fawn pics

Are the fawns still hiding in the woods? Where are all the little bucks?
Do you have a similar survey from last year? I wonder if the spring of 2013 took out a bunch of fawns thus why you aren't seeing 1.5 year old bucks.
How many unique 2.5+ bucks did you have? Last year, we had 7 or 8 unique bucks total. This year we have only seen one spike since winter. Also, we have only seen a few does. No fawns.
Do you have a similar survey from last year? I wonder if the spring of 2013 took out a bunch of fawns thus why you aren't seeing 1.5 year old bucks.
I found 4 dead fawns on the place this spring and I was not looking for dead deer.

I will need to go through the pics to see how many unique bucks. Some are further off and hard to tell who is who. Best guess would be about 10 or 11 or 12?

Are most of the fawns with their moms in the food plots now?
We haven't seen any all year. I saw 2 grazing in the ditch this spring among the hundreds of miles of northwoods I've driven. I've got my trail cam on my new plot now. We haven't pulled the card since the plot started growing. I'm going up in a few weeks to check it all out. The curiosity is killing me.
Yeah, but even with an easy winter this year you wouldn't expect to see many 1.5 year old bucks next year in 2015. No similar survey from last year then huh?

Where are the fawns....likely not alive. S.N.A.F.U.
Yeah, but even with an easy winter this year you wouldn't expect to see many 1.5 year old bucks next year in 2015. No similar survey from last year then huh?

Where are the fawns....likely not alive. S.N.A.F.U.

I have my winter corn pile pics but those are from Dec-Jan. Did not own the piece till late last October.
how does this work?
61 buck pics divided by 10 unique bucks =6
118 doe pics divided by 6 about = to 20
17 divided by 6 about = to 3
So in theory you have 20 does with 3 fawns????
Areas with 5 or 7 doe permits might take out buck fawns and lead to less yearling bucks the next year.

In 221, I am seeing a few fawns with the does in the bean fields.

I do not think our fawn crop was hurt as badly in 221 as in 222, as we have more ag.
how does this work?
61 buck pics divided by 10 unique bucks =6
118 doe pics divided by 6 about = to 20
17 divided by 6 about = to 3
So in theory you have 20 does with 3 fawns????
That is what a camera survey would say, and why I am curious if maybe the fawns are not in the fields with the does yet. Seems late enough jun the year the fawns would be with the does in the plots?

Add in 5 bear pics as well. No coyotes and no wolves but they are around.
I would find it very hard to believe the fawns are not hanging with their moms wherever they go by this time in the year.