Top working pears


5 year old buck +
I have some Asian pear trees (unsure of root stock) that the root stock has grown but the grafted part failed. These trees are somewhere between 2-4 inches dbh. I am a relative newby at grafting. I have bark grafted several persimmons in the past. I would like to top work these trees and have some scions coming. Is there a reason to prefer a bark graft vs a cleft graft? I also have several wild Calary pears I plan on grafting as well. Similar diameter just looking at the best chance of success and graft strength.

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Either method is fine. I just think it’s easier to get good bark to bark contact with bark grafting.
When is the best time to cut Scions and perform grafting?

When is the best time to cut Scions and perform grafting?


I Alway cut persimmons in late January or Feb to make sure I stored them the least amount of time( have to be cut before bud break. I grafted when the the bark was “slipping” which was April/ May in zone 5. I would assume pears are the same.

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Is there a reason to prefer a bark graft vs a cleft graft? I also have several wild Calary pears I plan on grafting as well

You can bark graft low on the tree and then cut the tree off above your graft. This eliminates the need to graft higher on the tree above å nurse limb.
I found a pear tree today that is still holding pears,I have no idea what kind it is
You can bark graft low on the tree and then cut the tree off above your graft. This eliminates the need to graft higher on the tree above å nurse limb.

This is a new technique for me, all of the bark grafts I have watched and done were the same as a cleft graft the only difference I could find is how the tree was split and the scion inserted. I will have to do some more research.

On pears is it necessary to leave a nurse branch. I have not previously on my persimmons I believe way back when I read how to the article instructed not to.

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