Too late to prune?


5 year old buck +
I haven't been able to get to the shack and do my pruning for the year yet. The property is in central MN and it's been a strange and cold spring so the trees should be behind schedule. I'm not sure if the trees are budded out there or not. For reference, I live south about 150 miles south of there and the flowering crab in my yard has yet to bud out.

Is it too late to prune apple trees this coming weekend? When is it too late in spring to be cutting on your trees?
I think you are still good, especially with how late everything is this year.
I think you can almost prune whenever you see something you don't like, for normal pruning late winter early spring is best.
The down sides of pruning late is if the tree is already broken dormancy you are cutting off the energy that the tree expended to push those leaves. Fireblight can be an issue in some instances as well.
Prune it!
Never too late. Get there when you can. Better to prune anytime, than no time.