Too Late for Urea?

Victor Van Meter

5 year old buck +
Just curious the thoughts on if applying urea to my brassicas now would do any good? We have some rain coming up and the temps are above 70 for the 10 day forecast. Thanks for the help.
As long as they are actively growing, and will be for a while yet - go for it.
As long as they are actively growing, and will be for a while yet - go for it.

Thanks. Just to clarify, I should wait for rain so it doesn't burn my leaves right?
Actually, you want to spread it before a rain, so it soaks into the ground, rather then evaporating into the atmosphere. If you apply it to wet plants, like after a rain, or heavy dew, and it doesnt rain to wash it off, then it will burn your leaves, some.
Just curious the thoughts on if applying urea to my brassicas now would do any good?
Question: Are they not growing well by now without the additional amendments? Maybe it's just me but something seems amiss if you're this deep into the growing cycle and feel as though they need a dose of N.

Just a thought.
Question: Are they not growing well by now without the additional amendments? Maybe it's just me but something seems amiss if you're this deep into the growing cycle and feel as though they need a dose of N.

Just a thought.

No, they are growing well. Just thought maybe a hit of N may give them a boost before the temps turn colder. I am new at this, so there are many occasions I don't know what I need.

You want to spread it as near a rain event as possible. You don't want a storm....just a steady rain. This helps the N get down into the soil, and not wash away. N can "evaporate" when exposed to the air as well for too long and a high concentration of N on the leaves can burn them. So...if you got a steady rain coming - broadcast away. To Boll's point - keep in mind that a near neutral soil pH will allow your soil and plants to make the best use of the fertilizer you do provide.
Well, it is supposed to rain tonight, but it is supposed to be storms. I will stop by the Ag store and see how much a bag would be and if it isn't too much, I will just spread it on the part of the plot closest to my blind and if it gets washed away or evaporates, then no big deal. Thanks.
