Well, I found a way to sneak up to my place for a few hours today. I have pictures. For my second year on this plot, I think it's looking OK. Last year I had a nice stand ow WR that inexplicably mostly winter killed. It was a tough winter. This year I put as much lime on as I could manage with my ATV spreader and my old bones and will add more nexf year. I did fertilize to soil test recommendations. But, it's all just surface broadcast. It was July 11th when we put a final dose of lime, 200LBS/acre 9-23-23, 200LBS/ Acre Urea. If I knew then that I'd be able to make the trip today, I'd have applied half the urea then, and the rest today since it's supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow. But, hindsight's 20/20.
I spread a mixture of forage rape, kale, radish and PTT at 5LBS/Acre and a clover mixture consisting of Frosty Berseem, Crimson, and Balansa at 10LB/acre. I THOUGHT I'd done a fairly good job keeping things even. But, there are blank spots. I'm unsure if these are areas that didn't germinate or if I missed them. We had some good rain the day after we planted. My plot is prone to standing water, so maybe some of the seed just drowned. There were some areas with standing water when I planted, and I avoided spreading seed on them. So, that explains some of the bare spots.
I mentioned before that there is a lot of mulch trash on the surface from the mulching machine. I didn't get it off before I planted and hoped the small seed would find the soil with a couple good rains. When I first walked the plot, it looked like the areas with the heaviest mulch didn't get any germination. So, I got the rake and started cleaning up some of the trash. I do a little every time I'm up. Then, I noticed quite a few tiny green sprouts under the mulch. I was ripping them out no matter how careful I was, so I just quit. Maybe, just maybe, they will live and find their way through to sunlight. fingers crossed. There are some plants in the thick mulch areas. It's hard to see in the photographs but those brown barren spots are not completely barren with close inspection, just behind, and thin. In September I'll broadcast WR to whatever is still bald. Some of it may be the shade too I guess.
So, here are pictures of 17 days growth.