A good 3 year old buck
Wanted to get some thoughts on my long term Timber Stand Improvement plan. The purple are “tornado zone” cuts I already have done, trees laid perpendicular so it doesn’t get traveled through. green boxes are regular TSI cuts where I have flush cut and then cut paths through the slash, hopefully bedding. Yellow fruit icon is where I’ve done 60 fruit trees, 30 each. Blue is where I would access the stands from. Red would be proposed TSI forrest openings. The access to north stand is bullet proof from the road with a south wind, the other stands are ehhhhh as I’m covering a lot of ground and ruling out the bottom part of my property by doing so, I haven’t spent much time scouting down there. South of me is public, north and West are both a good neighbor, east is my family’s property which buts up against public too. From what I’ve read is not to do TSI where you want to access from, as deer will bed in it. Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated on layout stand placement or habitat improvement plan. I’ve done small food plots near the fruit trees, but don’t have any equipment. I archery hunt only and would love to have a logger but there is no timber of any value. I plan to replant everything I cut with assorted oak and maple. Thank you.