Tilling in Urea for brassicas


5 year old buck +
I always plant the day before it rains because I have the time and therefore when planting my brassicas, I always till in 100-150 lbs of Urea per acre. My question is, can you till in Urea on Monday and plant, but it’s does does not rain until
4 days later without losing that nitrogen? I know when you broadcast it , you got 24-48 hours before you lose it without a rainfall.
If it's tilled under and you got rain in 4 days I think you're good to go.
My brassicas are already up. I was just curious in case I couldn’t do the day before a rain.
Hear it alot, an yes u can lose N, but it's not nearly as bad as most make it out to be.

tilling under should be fine, worst case is excessive rain causing it to leach through the profile or if you get standing water which will voliltilize it.

On the surface, the sun can cause some evapo lose but it is minimal. less than 10 percent under the worst conditions like heavy dew with no rain.

Always try to get it on before a rain, but it can sit awhile.
If I found a bottle with a Genie in it, one of my three wishes would be for us to stop obsessing about urea loss. Yes, there can be loss and it can be substantial, but there has to be a perfect storm of bad luck for the loss to be substantial. One condition is surface applied. Two is dry weather. Three is high humidity. Then, you might see UP TO a 40% loss and that's like saying I might win the lottery. Twenty percent is more like the average in the worst, the worst, possible conditions and I would contend it occurs at times when we all have the common sense to say in the shade and out of the sun. Incorporating urea in the soil moves the probability of loss to near zero. Applying urea within three days of rain? Losses are insignificant. On the flip side, you can incorporate any nitrogen in the soil and watch it move out of the soil profile with a heavy rain and into groundwater very quickly depending on soil permeability.

Thx guys

Sorry just getting around to reading this. If the urea is incorporated it will do its thing from the moisture in the soil and remain in the ground as N. The loss can come with surface applied if no substantial rainfall is had. Have to have the rainfall to get the N down into the soil anyway with surface applied.

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