Thoughts on shrubs bordering food plots?


5 year old buck +
Wanted to add some browse shrubs around my plots but was thinking about when I spray my plots with Gly, I’m worried about the drift and getting on the shrubs. Obviously, I’d try to spray when there was no wind but was still worried and wanted to get people’s thoughts. I know I can do with with tillage instead of spraying, but I’d rather do no-till. My other thoughts was if I planted the shrubs, was to spray by hand with a 4 gallon backpack sprayer by the shrubs. Any ideas? Should I separate the shrubs aside from my plot so I eliminate my concern or will I be fine with spraying if there is no wind?
Whoops. I put this in wrong section.
Problem with putting shrubs around your plot that you want them to browse, is just that. Getting them established is a pain the you know what. Unless u plan on caging them all for multiple years.

Even then it seems like they mow them down.

I struggle getting shrubs growing out of browse pressure height regardless of where I put them tho.
Is your plot boarded by woods? If so some heavy edge feathering will get you plenty of browse near your plot. Bushes could be fine but you sure don’t to plant to many of them to get that wall effect

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Yes, bordered by hardwoods. I would def cage them for the first 4 years.
I have silky dogwood and ninebark bordering much of my plots. I don’t do much spraying but what I have hasn’t bothered them. I plant them in groups of 15-20 and tube them. They out grow the browse pressure at my place but I don’t have many deer.