Thistle question


5 year old buck +
I did not Mow last year's WR so the thistle has gone to it best just to leave it and consider it too late this year or cut them at the base and get them off the field before I mow and more seed spreads. Thanks


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I did not Mow last year's WR so the thistle has gone to it best just to leave it and consider it too late this year or cut them at the base and get them off the field before I mow and more seed spreads. Thanks

Can you burn it?
If you can't burn it, then depending on how much thistle you have and your energy level, you could walk around with a bucket and pruners and cut off the seed heads. Sounds tedious, but the fewer seeds that are left viable in the field, the better.
Are there ANY plants that are still in the bud stage? Clopyralid3 label says thistle can be treated all the way up to the bud stage. I've had great luck killing bud-stage Canada Thistle with C3. In fact, later maturity spraying of CT may be more effective than spraying in the rosette stage.
I will say least it isn't Canada Thistle in your pic.
Can you burn it?
If you can't burn it, then depending on how much thistle you have and your energy level, you could walk around with a bucket and pruners and cut off the seed heads. Sounds tedious, but the fewer seeds that are left viable in the field, the better.
Are there ANY plants that are still in the bud stage? Clopyralid3 label says thistle can be treated all the way up to the bud stage. I've had great luck killing bud-stage Canada Thistle with C3. In fact, later maturity spraying of CT may be more effective than spraying in the rosette stage.
I will say least it isn't Canada Thistle in your pic.

What kind of thistle is it then Tap? It looks like the same thistle I grow here and I've always thought it was Canada Thistle??
to me the heads look to big to be canadian thistle. Bull or musk?
to me the heads look to big to be canadian thistle. Bull or musk?

I thought the same thing. Canadian usually has more seed heads in a small cluster.
What kind of thistle is it then Tap? It looks like the same thistle I grow here and I've always thought it was Canada Thistle??
I agree with S.T. Fanatic^^^. Most likely Bull or musk, maybe Russian?? But is definitely isn't Canada.
What does native hunter have to say?
What I learned here is Canadian thistle looks more like the prickly lettuce with a s similar type of flower/seed clusters..small ones that are bluish purple. this thistle has the real big egg size seed clusters that the finches love don't know it's proper name so I just called it thistle. I will be at the farm in a bit and try to find a Canadian thistle to take a picture of
The one on the left is the big thistle the one on the right is Canadian thistle but I think it died from gly so not a good color comparison but you can see the size difference of the seed heads
What I learned here is Canadian thistle looks more like the prickly lettuce with a s similar type of flower/seed clusters..small ones that are bluish purple. this thistle has the real big egg size seed clusters that the finches love don't know it's proper name so I just called it thistle. I will be at the farm in a bit and try to find a Canadian thistle to take a picture of
maybe there is a third thistle because this one has the color of the bigger Thistle and I would call a medium sized clusters and they're not the bluish purple??? Whatever you do don't listen to what what I'm say if I'm learning LOL


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The one on the left is the big thistle the one on the right is Canadian thistle but I think it died from gly so not a good color comparison but you can see the size difference of the seed heads
maybe there is a third thistle because this one has the color of the bigger Thistle and I would call a medium sized clusters and they're not the bluish purple??? Whatever you do don't listen to what what I'm say if I'm learning LOL
If Im not mistaken, there are at least 4 thistles...Bull, Canada, Musk and Russian.