I have about 80 acres of what we call a “moss” swamp. In some areas, the tamaracks are fairly thick. In others very sparse, mostly wide open moss.
The moss is DEEP…..when a deer walks on one of the natural game trails, you literally only see a head in many areas. There is plenty of water under the moss, but it’s not floating bog.
There are a few isolated small “humps” surrounded by Tamarack swamp, the largest is maybe an acre or 2. They have mature cedars and hemlocks. Not much cover and no food, but at least dry.
As far as I can tell, there is very little food out in the Tamarack swamps. But there is still consistently good deer sign in them. Particularly in the thicker areas. Tends to be one or 2 main traveling runways beat down in the moss over decades. It might be just me, but I feel like big bucks seem to like them in the late rut…..maybe the does are in there already for the thermal cover?
Theses areas are tough to hunt for me. You simply have to have a big field of view that is high enough to let you look down into the tamaracks, somewhat. There are a couple of ramshackle homemade death traps from previous owners that were clearly built specifically to overlook tamarack swamp. Must have worked for someone?
For me, the only management I’m going to do with it is to cut a trail or 2 connecting to my food sources and hi ground on the center of the property. Maybe those trails will be good stand sites one day, and turn into migration routes off the neighbors property

** We do have wild cranberries in our swamp…..so maybe the does come in there to eat them when ripe?