Looks great. I think anything on your ground is “pretty good stuff”Ladino from the feed store, which is not a specific variety. Seems to be some pretty good stuff.
Looks great. I think anything on your ground is “pretty good stuff”Ladino from the feed store, which is not a specific variety. Seems to be some pretty good stuff.
Wonder if your false nettle is like canadian clearweed up here. Deer ignore it all summer but for a certain time in early fall they hammer it. CC is also in nettle family but does not have stinging hairs.
Good stuff as always Native, I see a lot of what looks like Vetch in the background of your pictures. Is there a Vetch native to your area? Or maybe I am misidentifying the plant which is quite possible lol
Things that keep me up at night....
1. Post from Native
Its 2:00 in the morning and im trying to figure out if you have hibiscus moscheotus or impomoea pandurata. Thanks Native!
....added to my buy list!Well, it's 3:48 in the morning and your ESP message came through. I had to double check myself but now 100% sure we need to stick with impomoea pandurata. Thanks Mozark for tagging along.
Beggars lice is such a good plant, except for the clothes!Here are two that I noticed recently. The first is Cutleaf Groundcherry. Everywhere I found this plant it was browsed hard. After I got home I realized that my pictures were more of the browsing than a good look at the plant. However, you can look this up on the Internet and see some better pictures.
This is Cardinal Flower. It is very beautiful and attracts insects, but deer do not browse it the best I can tell.
Now is not the best time to be walking through the prairie…lol….
But I saw a little grove of thistles and went into attack mode.
Maybe for the rest of the year I will just stick to the trails. Enjoy!
Beggars lice is such a good plant, except for the clothes!