Sweet advent pear tree not looking so hot.


A good 3 year old buck
IMG_2651.jpegIMG_2650.jpegIMG_2649.jpegIMG_2648.jpegIMG_2647.jpegIMG_2646.jpegIMG_2646.jpegPlanted two years ago. Pruned in early march and fertilized with 10/10/10 late march. All my other 40 or so pear trees looking lush and green. Saw this yesterday on the sweet advent from blue hill. Fireblight?
More than likely. Could be herbicide damage, but highly unlikely only 1 tree would be affected. You will know as time goes on.
Yeah def not herbicide. Thanks but I haven’t noticed it on any others and there’s over 30 pear trees by this one and lots of apples too