Sugar Beets vs. Apples


A good 3 year old buck
My property has hundreds of apple trees all mostly wild. This year I want to plant sugar beets. In terms of attraction, which one of these items will out do the other, in regards to attraction. Many years ago I had standing beans and apples, the deer loved the standing beans. I am just wondering if I will get the same reaction with sugar beets. Thanks for your opinions
I would assume the apples are scattered. The beets would concentrate the deer where you plant them . They are both highly attractive. I wouldn't worry about which is more attractive. The more attractive options you have , the better right!
The one that is planted closest to thick cover and is devoid of human presence.
If the deer loved the standing beans, why not plant them again? Seems like you already found what works.
I agree with Powder. Stick with the Beans.
My property has hundreds of apple trees all mostly wild. This year I want to plant sugar beets. In terms of attraction, which one of these items will out do the other, in regards to attraction. Many years ago I had standing beans and apples, the deer loved the standing beans. I am just wondering if I will get the same reaction with sugar beets. Thanks for your opinions

Apples and Oranges...The best we can do is a pretty broad general ranking of deer food perhaps as low, medium, and high in terms of general attractiveness. Different food sources peak at different times as deer's needs and perceived risk of access change. Both can be highly attractive to deer when conditions are right. There may be reasons to plant one over the other but it will be hard for anyone to pick a decisive winner for attraction in your case.

Good Luck,

Phil- how big of a plot do you have to work with and do you have good soil, PH etc..?
Phil- how big of a plot do you have to work with and do you have good soil, PH etc..?
Approximately 3 acres, with great soil with good organic matter. The pH is a little low around 6 and has been adjusted before. I will possibly have RR sugarbeets. The only reason I haven't done soybeans again is because they ate the pods right before the season. If I had a large field I would love to do soybeans again.
I do both beans and sugar beets on my property. 2-3 acres of each. The sugar beets with proper care, weed control & fertilizer (cost will be higher) will produce 20+ tons of feed per acre. The deer use varies each year on which is hit hardest, but both are consumed during our season and gone by spring.
I do both beans and sugar beets on my property. 2-3 acres of each. The sugar beets with proper care, weed control & fertilizer (cost will be higher) will produce 20+ tons of feed per acre. The deer use varies each year on which is hit hardest, but both are consumed during our season and gone by spring.[/QUOT
I wish I had larger fields, just small ones. I couldn't believe the usage the year I had an acre. I just need something that will last throughout rifle and muzzy season. I hear sugar beets are a super draw. I just was wondering if all my apples will make them as attractive. This year my turnips are getting pounded with an almost complete apple failure.
I tried some sugar beets about 15 years ago and also two years ago. They were a waste of time in my book. Deer clean up the apples and ignore the sugar beets, just like turnips, and to some extent radishes.
I tried some sugar beets about 15 years ago and also two years ago. They were a waste of time in my book. Deer clean up the apples and ignore the sugar beets, just like turnips, and to some extent radishes.
Interesting to hear, I feel like this will happen. They seem to go after apples intensely, the plots only shine when snow hits. Thanks for your input. I wish I had more acreage for soybeans. I did corn one year and was stressed out daily with bear and coon destroying it. I figured beets would be a super draw considering the old QDMA site had sugar beets, corn, and soybeans as the top draw for deer. I'm wondering if I should waste my time now. I love this plot stuff, it keeps me interested in deer year round.
I had beets in 2006 that were ignored, last year I decided to try again and they were hammered. If they weren't hammered my plan was to give them at least 3 years to give it a fair trial.
I had beets in 2006 that were ignored, last year I decided to try again and they were hammered. If they weren't hammered my plan was to give them at least 3 years to give it a fair trial.
My plan is to try them and see what happens. I have zero acorns, beechnut, or AG for miles. I just hope we don't have a bumper apple year next year. When we could bait the deer would seek out the Macintosh apples specifically. My hope is the sugar content in the beets is addictive to them. This experiment will be fun I guess.
If your deer eat turnips, they'll go nuts for sugar beets
I suspect this is good advice. Deer on my place pretty much ignore turnips.
I have planted Winter Bulbs and Sugar Beets for two years. When the temps get cold, and after all AG food sources have been worked under, the deer go nuts on them to the point of pawing them out of frozen ground. Good luck!
Used to have a farm in NW MN, which is sugar beet country. Deer loved them! They would pass other crops to get to the beets.

It depends on the area I would guess?