Subdivision fawn

Someday isle

5 year old buck +
IMG_0877.JPG 3E44E7EB-6872-4279-A88B-B5E97EBD9721.JPG My wife and I were taking our morning walk through the subdivision yesterday when she said "there's a deer". Across the street was a young doe giving us a serious look. About ten steps further we almost walked right past this little one. It was laying about a foot from the sidewalk trying hard to get low and stay hidden. I took this picture and it got up and wobbled under a tree. We walked back through about 45 minutes later and it was just laying under this tree. It was in the same yard this morning too. Mama is nowhere to be seen but hopefully she's hiding in the bushes or little woodlots somewhere close by keeping watch.
That pose in the first pic is Mother Nature at work. That's the standard hide pose they know at birth. Weird how that works.

I'd say new momma and not doing a good job of hiding her fawn. Lots of neighborhood dogs would love to play with it..
Those little ones sure are cute. Hope mom does her job.
My helper almost ran over a young fawn on the farm today with the tractor. The bucket of the Kubota was actually almost over it before it bolted from cover. It was laying in some tall grass adjacent to a driveway. That would have been a very unfortunate accident.
EB84964E-1F62-4218-8918-F01460AF9EA4.JPG This is not fifty feet from where the fawn was the other day. Obviously not sure if this is the fawn's mama or not. The real lesson here though is this deer was just destroying the ivy growing on the tree. I love food plotting and habitat work but it just highlights the importance of native browse and natural regeneration. EB84964E-1F62-4218-8918-F01460AF9EA4.JPG
A buddy of mine a few years ago sent me a pic that he got from his folks down in SC - a fawn was hiding in the some in their landscaping and it was nearly invisible. They went back later and it was gone. They lived in suburbia as well. Deer have adapted to that sort of living environment, and I'm sure some make it and some don't. For all we know that little fawn may live for a long time in suburbia!!!!
View attachment 13587 This is not fifty feet from where the fawn was the other day. Obviously not sure if this is the fawn's mama or not. The real lesson here though is this deer was just destroying the ivy growing on the tree. I love food plotting and habitat work but it just highlights the importance of native browse and natural regeneration. View attachment 13587
So true about the importance of native browse.