5 year old buck +
Rich sure helps. Probably won’t make it to rich but to retire with no worries is the goal.
The closer I get to retirement, the more evident it becomes how much difference one year more of working can make. First, it is one more year of savings (at what every rate you are saving at), but more importantly, it is one less year you are eating out of your nest egg. For those with pensions and social security, it likely increases your top 3 or 5, however it is calculated. From a financial-only perspective, working one more year almost always makes sense.
Of course the big argument against it is health. Presuming you have your basic needs covered, any additional financial resources increase your lifestyle and/or ability to pass on wealth. Having more financial resources to enjoy our retirement has to be modulated with our declining health as we age. If we work one more year, we have one less year to enjoy retirement, the year we lose is likely our most healthy.
As far as Bitcoin or any currency goes, they are only backed by trust. What value does gold have to your? You can't eat it or do much with it beyond many other rare metals. The only thing that makes it valuable is that others think it is . Money is just an accounting system that allows us to trade real goods more easily.
I find Bitcoin one of the most risky currencies in the long run. Block chain is truly a great technology du jour. But, because it is a technology based currency, fundamental changes in technology could break it. There are lots of countries investing in quantum computing these days. Depending on how that goes, it could disrupt technology based currencies significantly.