Squirrel killing a bird.

North Mo

5 year old buck +
I have read a couple times about squirrels killing and eating birds but never witnessed it until this morning. I was on the ATV behind the house picking up targets on the range and a fox squirrel ran out of the brush just 10 feet in front of me with a still barely alive bird in it's mouth. The bird was at least 1/2 the size of the squirrel and it struggled to run with it but did not drop it for the 30 yards I could see him before disappearing into the woods. Strange to see a squirrel act more like a fox or coyote.
I never heard of that. But nature can be rough.

Better start shooting squirrels, you never know.

Vampire squirrels!!!!
And then there is the elusive coysquirrel........very sneaky and eats everything!

I have never seen a squirrel eating a bird, but I have seen a man eating squirrel.
It can happen...

Buddy saw a squirrel catch a bird that had gotten trapped inside a bird feeder. It ate it on the spot like eating corn on the cob.
I've seen squirrels chewing on deer carcasses.
When I was a kid, there was a red squirrel that got into a robin nest with babies in it. Little birds hopping around the yard and birds going nuts.The yard was pandemonium with birds of a few species trying to drive the squirrel away. My dad shot it. It was one of those childhood events that I will never forget.
I've always heard that the red jimmy's will nut other squirrels and that grays and jimmy's will raid bird nests.
When I was a kid, there was a red squirrel that got into a robin nest with babies in it. Little birds hopping around the yard and birds going nuts.The yard was pandemonium with birds of a few species trying to drive the squirrel away. My dad shot it. It was one of those childhood events that I will never forget.

Hate to do it, but I think we're gonna have to turn him in for poaching... It's the right thing to do... hahahha

I remember weird things like that from my childhood too... I think I was oblivious to some things and looking back now, I try to figure what was happening, and I shake my head when I have a little bit of awareness...
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I remember seeing a video on internet of a deer eating a bird but don't remember the location
I remember seeing a video on internet of a deer eating a bird but don't remember the location

I've seen that too, one I saw was red deer eating small mammals and birds in Europe. It said they would actually catch and eat them?

I guess there has been a bunch of this;
one I saw was red deer eating small mammals and birds in Europe

Red deer and reindeer both eat small animals here. Usually lemmings and baby birds.
I remember a short article in an old 1980s Deer & Deer Hunting mag that showed deer eating dead fish washed up on shore.

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