Spypoint Flex


5 year old buck +
Has anyone tried the new Spypoint Flex? Reviews/Feedback ?
Has anyone tried the new Spypoint Flex? Reviews/Feedback ?

Some hot air without first person experience:

Main reviews i've seen were within the giant tactacam reveal thread on archerytalk. Seems the picture quality was atrocious with the first released cams but that got cleaned up with a firmware update. It looks like spypoint went with a completely different manufacturer or at least case design for these cams. My experience with prior high end models (not link-micro) is fantastic detection, poor reliability.

I'm leery of products with so many features and capabilities at that price point but no experience with them. Spypoint customer service was pretty terrible when i tried to use it a while back. I recently returned a non-functioning spypoint link-s-dark to trailcampros and they are replacing it with another ridgetec (my go to cell cam). I would highly recommend buying from them if possible! They really stand behind what they sell and you can cut out overseas warranty support.
Mr. Bwoods, you need to clear the cobwebs from your wallet and buy a Reconyx, lol. I can get you a deal.
Mr. Bwoods, you need to clear the cobwebs from your wallet and buy a Reconyx, lol. I can get you a deal.

Ok 👌… ha ha . 😂
Has anyone tried the new Spypoint Flex? Reviews/Feedback ?

Not the flex but I have about 12 of the link micro that are going on 3 years old only have had issues with one they replaced it no questions asked. In all honesty I have had less issues with the SPYPOINTs than the cuddebacks I have. For a 70 dollar cell camera I have been happy enough taking them for what they are. A camera with 100 free pictures a month that if it disappears I won’t lose sleep.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not an answer to the OP. But, I’ve got 5 SPYPOINT cameras. Two of them anew the link micro and I’ve had zero malfunctions with them in two years. They just work. I’ve returned all my link-s cameras for warranty replacement once. I buy them all through trailcam pro and have had stellar technical support from them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't have the Flex so ignore my comment if it doesn't help. I have 2 link micros as well. The 2nd out of the box didn't work properly. They replaced it right away. One is 2 years old and the other is 1. I've really liked them and the app is great too. I typically go with the free pictures during the off season and buy a monthly plan if I'm seeing anything interesting in season.
I like the 250 pics each month if you buy the $99 package. Reviews are pretty good. Might buy one or two ?
Any updated Flex user reviews? I see the Flex Solar is coming out, which is something that interests me for our remote properties. I have five SpyPoints currently, three Link-Micro S (solar with lithium) and two Link-Micros (non-solar with AAs). So far, all five have given good service. I like that the Flex uses whichever network is best (a real benefit in fringe areas) and takes video.

While I plan to continue the Cuddelink system on our home property, for the remote properties, the SpyPoints are a far more cost effective option--especially with the solar and lithium pack so that they can run year around.
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I ended up buying a Tactacam and a Spypoint Flex. I only do pictures. Both of them are good for me. The Tactacam sends pictures faster and has better battery life. I really like the 100 free picture a month plan on Spypoint. The Flex comes with an AT&T and Verizon Sim card. You only install one. I'm not smart enough to know how it uses both networks if you have to choose a SIM card. I have not yet used it in bottomland where signal is typically weaker for me. I think Verizon is better in my area but I may be wrong.

If I don't mind the monthly plan, I'd go Tactacam. If I'm only buying a plan for a couple months that I hunt, I'd go Flex.
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I’ve bought 2 Spypoint Flex ($99 at Scheels)…

So far I’m impressed, good camera, seems to do well in areas that have average reception!BF45EA54-34E5-4077-BD17-319196D4DF15.jpeg
The Spypoint people keep calling me offering to give me a discount on the flex. I've been happy with my spy point mini. Not sure if I need more cameras though.
The Spypoint people keep calling me offering to give me a discount on the flex. I've been happy with my spy point mini. Not sure if I need more cameras though.
The pics are better, better overall quality .. you can use them both on the same app.
SpyPoint Update:
One of the benefits of these forums is real “customer reviews” rather than the paid salesman reviews. I provided a short update on our Cuddelink system (which has been great) on another thread, an thought I would write a short update on my SpyPoint experience now that it has been in use for 15 months, which is also positive.

I am running six SpyPoint cameras. Here is the breakdown:
Flex: Likes—great daytime picture quality, always a great signal, ability to update everything remotely. Dislikes: Marginal night picture quality, poor battery life (90 days on conservative settings), feels cheap—especially when opening and closing.
Link-Micro S [solar] LTE (Verizon): In the field for over a year and hast not been touched. What is not to like? Well, the picture quality is marginal, and has been since new. I cleaned the lenses once, but that didn’t make a difference. However, it’s a good camera and I am surprised the little solar unit keeps it going year around.
Link-Micro S [solar] LTE (Nationwide): Same as above. All Link-Micros have good remote system setting options.
Link-Micro (Nationwide, battery): Good battery life (120 days and still at 76%), inexpensive to own and operate. They were only $60 each…and are located in deep woods areas where solar is not idea.

Spypoint ”As a whole”: 100 free pictures per month, per camera. Most of the cameras I bought for $100 or less. The pictures come to a common app on my phone or computer., so I get 10-30 pictures per day on one app, similar to the Cuddelink system. While I often run out of free pictures on an individual camera, by running the system year round I am getting good MRI. When the 30 days is up, the cameras start transmitting a new batch of 100 pictures. The ones I missed are always on the micro-SD card. It also also easy to download from the SD using the micro-usb port—that keeps me from having to pull the actual card.

The rebate program is no better than a scam–I have sent several in for myself, as have other members of our family. To date, not one rebate has been honored. Save your time and avoid their rebate program.

When the Flex-Solar comes out this summer it will likely be my go-to camera for our very remote property in the southeast Ozarks of Missouri. This is a place I may not visit for a year or more, but I like to know what is on the property. The camera on the property now is an old Moultrie Mobile which gave up the ghost a couple of years ago after over 300 days—which was pretty good. However, I have retired that system and look forward to a solar-based system on this land. I will note the Moultrie Mobile software beats both SpyPoint and Cuddelink IMO. However, my general experience with the MM system was marginal, with lots of cameras failures over a ten per period.
So far so good on the Spypoint Flex!
Yes, I am very happy with my SpyPoint Flex…have some solar versions on order. For remote properties, these are great cameras.
The 1 remaining spypoint i have is the link-dark (been discontinued for a couple years) and is still churning out over 1000 pics per month and doing so while being easy on the batteries. Pic quality is low though.
Yes, I am very happy with my SpyPoint Flex…have some solar versions on order. For remote properties, these are great cameras.
Yep. I used the Lithium battery and it lasts most of the year .