Spring Food plot strategy for new plots

That did turn out nice!
With buckwheat looking like that, you should be telling us what to do, not the other way around.

You use fertilizer to get buckwheat that tall.
With buckwheat looking like that, you should be telling us what to do, not the other way around.

You use fertilizer to get buckwheat that tall.
That was the very best of multiple places I put it but it grew shockingly well overall. I did about 40-50# per acre of 17-17-17 just to get it started. That particular field plot is actually a bit of a struggle to best utilize. Its excellent soil but not really a good location to hunt over and when food is there it can actually slow deer down as they come to primary food source.

It's in clover and chicory right now but I've contemplated pulling the out of food into switch with clover trails leading to primary food or putting switching on top and use the high quality soil for a summer food so that it can feed deer but not detracted from my hunting plots.

The revitalization of this thread reminds me that I planned to go keep my property threads running with all the goings around my place and I completely let that thread die. I really should bring that thread back to life as there's lots of work that has taken place and mountains more to embark on.

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