spray bar to spray plots


Yearling... With promise
looking to build spray bar to put on back of atv,anyone have any pictures to post of there home made spray bar,and where is best place to get nozzles and tees and other components to build bar? thanks!!
Don't know if they are the best price or if you have one near by but Orshlens farm and home has boom clamps for round or square stock. They hold the nozzles which orshlens also carry. I use them because I can drive there and get what I need.
Here's a couple of PICS from my ATV engineered sprayer. I got the idea from the bar on the Fimco pull behind sprayer. The nozzles are 40" on center and I use the 140 degree spray tips that give me about 8 to 9 feet of coverage, this gives me a good over lap behind the atv. Not sure where you are located but Agri Supply, Thiessens and several online stores carry all the connections, tips and filters. I used the Fimco stuff from Agri Supply and bought heater hose from a local auto parts store.


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I like to use the fimco quick adapt manifold as well. Then I have different sizes of booms I quick change on and also quick change on a 50 hand boom. Just makes it work slick. Farm and Fleet is easy for me to get the stuff.
Rural King is the retail store I use (they have a web-site) for stuff like this. I have 2 near me so it's a quick trip when I need something.

Keep a couple of things in mind when designing your booms:
#1 - Understand how the height off the ground or the distance to targeted plants and the angle of your spray pattern relate. You want some spray pattern overlap from nozzle to nozzle to ensure coverage. The shorter the distance to the surface you are trying to spray the closer those nozzles will need to be to get proper coverage.
#2 - Understand your pump output and the flow output of the nozzles you wish to use. You don't want to have so many nozzles that your pump can't keep up or build proper pressure.
#3 - add shut off valve in your lines IF you may have a need to spray a more narrow area. I run into this issue when spraying driveways or trails. My booms cover more area than I want and when folded up they don't spray real well either. Nozzle placement and a couple 1/2 turn plastic valves allows you to shut off the outer nozzles and spray a more specific area. Along the same lines - I have a valve that allows me to shut off the booms entirely and use a hand wand as well. Works great!

I'm sure you already thought of all this stuff, but these are some things I have had to tinker with on my own sprayer under different situations to get what I needed or have seen other folks struggle with in the past.