Spartan GoLive Solar + Battery


A good 3 year old buck
If anyone has run the Spartan GoLives with just straight solar plugged in you've likely played the why does the battery icon on the App show my battery as dead even though it isn't. It took me a while but I figured out how to keep track of the battery with an indicator that doesn't really work. Well I got my second GoLive the other day and decided I wanted to do it right with a solar panel and a battery. I bought a solar panel that had a change controller that was weather proof but decided I would make it extra weather proof but mounting it in a weather proof box and running panel mount connectors through the box (I also used a panel mount SAE connector for the battery box). A 4x4 and some post hole digging and I got it all mounted. I used the screws made for metal roofing with the rubber washer attached to mount everything. This should keep everything dry. So far so good. Battery status shows as full and solar is charging. As an added benefit the panel should help shelter everything. Just watched a live feed so everything looks good!

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*charge controller not change controller.