Sorb apple or Setvice tree


5 year old buck +
I’ve read a little about these trees I like to plant a couple of them anyone know where to get any to plant?

Burntridge Nursery usually offers Sorbus Domestica. Most reports I've heard say to be prepared to wait a decade for fruit
You could ask the farm if they fruits you can get seed from. northwoods did look likethey listed it.

I should have some mulberry good for zone 3 if you want something different. Might be a year or two. Northrop mulberry. Got 2 grafted and 2 rootstock coming this spring.
There are two different ones for sale on Ebay - one for $15 and the other for $250. You need both for cross pollination. 🍎
Any thoughts on non-natives being introduced here? There are long lists of non-natives that have become invasive, noxious, threats to our native flora. Hundreds of millions $$$ spent each year to control or eradicate. TOH being just one, which was brought here because to some very wealthy folks - it looked "pretty & tropical." Now TOH is a menace in many places.
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