Sometimes you just have to toss turds

dang that deer destroyed that tree =)
Pulled an old school wcw wrelting move it!
Well crap, Bill, your place is being attacked by monsters!

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Lol that buck got a little aggressive, great pictures Bill!!
Haha, love it. He knocked that f&*er out and then picked him back up so he could keep whooping its ass!
Great sequence of pics Bill! Now that is a buck with some serious anger issues.
Bill - Your does have headache problems ???
Somebody has some anger issues!!!!
I know that buck pretty well. Watched him dog a doe pretty hard last year.

He’s post 42 I’m “buck down not” thread from last season.

He’s just antsy cause he knows the dates are coming. But their not interested just yet. :).

That rubbing post is/was three years old. Guess I should have used cedar.
TIMBER !!!!!!!!!!
Steve Bartylla says your rubbing trees should stick out like a turd in a punch bowl.


WOW Bill you have a real alpha buck on your property ... have not seen a buck stump puller ... be prepared for him to cause havoc ... may be a tine breaker with all other big boys.

Note to all snowflakes ... "alpha" is an acceptable descriptive behavioral profile term of behavior ... please turn the channel if you are offended ...