Some videos


5 year old buck +
This is the first year I've ever gotten flying squirrels on cam. In the second one it's checking out a bedded deer. Last video is some survivors etc from this past year.

those squirrels are quick. and you have a heard of cats...
Yeah they're from the farm across the road. Apple tree is 20yds from the road..surrounded by fields.
Flying squirrels are cool. There are way more around than people think. My wife shot a deer bowhunting right before closing. We waited a hour to go get it. We went into the woods in the dark and their was things running all around us. It was a little uneasy because we couldn't see anything but it was really noisy. We finaly got the light on it. Flying squirrels all over the place, in the trees and on the ground.
I've never gotten any on cam in close to 20 years until now..but, it's possible the many "blank" pictures and especially videos were triggered by them. Probably missed some in the videos as I fast-forwarded them.
I'd say your onto something. The newer cameras are able to catch them, older cams were probably to slow. They don't sit still very long that's for sure. I actually have caught some in mid flight with deer in the picture. It goes with my theory that there is A lot around if we catch them randomly in the background of deer pictures.
First (known) picture. The eyes helped a bit.

I have a couple of cameras on some deer carcasses. It’s amazing to see the mice and flying squirrels all over and around them