Some of my conifers made it through the drought!


5 year old buck +
Late last spring we planted 150 white pine/Norway spruce/scotch pine and blue spruce 16"-18" seedlings in some CRP around one end of the woods;

It was crazy dry here with about 1 1/2" of rain from early June through early looked like my little trees had just burned up in the heat from the ones I could find in the heavy weeds. It was the worst possible year to try and start trees that I wouldn't be able to water.

I was pretty bummed about the whole thing after finding some dried up dead ones in early September, especially the blue spruce.

Saturday we went on a bunny hunt and I started seeing some of the seedlings...then more! Not only did a bunch make it they thrived!

Most were around 24" and candled up nice, the scotch pine and Norway spruce did the best, found a few white pine and no blue spruce.
I was so busy looking at the trees I wasn't fast enough for the bunnies as they ran by with me all distracted in my joy over seeing so many that had made it.
Overall I would say 60% made it through the driest summer here in ten years.

Scotch pine;

Norway spruce;

It was a tough year for seedlings for sure. I think I am at about 60-75% of my Norway plugs making it through. Some are a funky green so I am waiting to see if they perk up come spring. Those trees in your pictures look pretty good.

I put in 1,200 last year so I was pretty sick about the dry weather.
For these reasons, I let the grass grow around my baby pines in texas

Seems to have a protective effect from heat and I notice the survivors when grasses go dormant

I looked last fall, I planted white pines. I didnt weed around them at all all summer, then when the weeds started to die off in the fall, I noticed the pines looked pretty decent. Not sure on survival, because I planted in random clusters throughout the property. No rhyme or reason, just found open spots, or on hillsides and planted clusters. For the few that I did clear the weeds away during the summer, they were stunted, and brown looking.