So who still has apples hanging

Thanks for the Yates info, Dan. I've been pondering about getting a Yates for 2 years now. I should have pulled the trigger and bought one before now. I'll have to " make " a spot for it - all of our open spots have apples, crabs, or pears in them. I can saw an open spot on the edge of some pines by dropping a few of them. We have millions of pines ......... a few dropped won't make a dent.

Another poster on here - in Mich. I believe - has said his Yates does really well for him there. I need to check around for a Yates on B-118, Antonovka, or P-18(?) if that's the right rootstock number for a full sized tree.
Thanks for the Yates info, Dan. I've been pondering about getting a Yates for 2 years now. I should have pulled the trigger and bought one before now. I'll have to " make " a spot for it - all of our open spots have apples, crabs, or pears in them. I can saw an open spot on the edge of some pines by dropping a few of them. We have millions of pines ......... a few dropped won't make a dent.

Another poster on here - in Mich. I believe - has said his Yates does really well for him there. I need to check around for a Yates on B-118, Antonovka, or P-18(?) if that's the right rootstock number for a full sized tree.

B118 will pruduce a large self supporting tree but will produce much sooner than standard stock.
Dan - Yep, we've got B-118, MM-111, and Antonovka rootstocks in our mix of trees at camp. I was thinking of the B-118 or Antonovka just so we end up with a large tree. I'd like to have these trees around for a lot of years so our sons/daughters/grandkids can reap the benefits.

After reading about your Yates and the guy's from Mich., I have to add at least one at camp !! Sounds & looks too good to pass on.
Stayman looks good Aero. What's the loaded tree right behind it in the pic ?? Looks to be a load on that tree.
Stayman looks good Aero. What's the loaded tree right behind it in the pic ?? Looks to be a load on that tree.
An Idared. Didn't pick a single apple from it.
This tree is on property right next to public land near me. Tree was loaded with yellow apples two months ago, although they were pretty scabby. Most have dropped since then, but about a dozen are still hanging on. There used to be a bunch laying on the ground, but now there isn't a single one.

When I saw your post less cages, I thought they would have my trees gone in a week with that set up.

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I have cafes on all my trees once this big almost don't need them but don't want them rubbed either. Open up a bit during rifle season hehe or I mean the deer do lol
Just plucked this one off to taste about a week ago... very first fruit from a double row of 18 crabs I planted two years ago. Can't wait until the trees are full of them! :emoji_relaxed:

Galarina loaded to point of breaking branches. Deer are hammering it and the gold rush next to it
Nice looking trees Aerospace. Minor thread shift... I am curious what the spacing between these trees is. I have settled on 25' spacing, but I am a bit torn when trying to cram a few more into a limited space. Most of my trees are on B.118 and a few MM.111 rootstocks.
Nice looking trees Aerospace. Minor thread shift... I am curious what the spacing between these trees is. I have settled on 25' spacing, but I am a bit torn when trying to cram a few more into a limited space. Most of my trees are on B.118 and a few MM.111 rootstocks.
My 118 and 111's were all done at 25 feet. Still room between them 8 years later but no canopy yet
Hope I'm not barging in here. I planted all our camp trees at 25 ft. spacing as well. I just figured a little extra space for the future can't be bad. More air flow and sun too. Butting out !!
Just picked my michelins today for making hard cider, otherwise half would still be hanging a month from now


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I didn't take pics, but I have Goldrush, Honeygold, Liberty, Wolf River, Kerr, Centennial, Galarina, Cherry Bomb Crab, Monster Crab, Winter Wildlife Crab, Black Oxford and probably a few others still hanging as of last week.
I am in Zone 5 and still have Arkansas Blacks and Gold Rush hanging tight. I need to replace three trees in my hunting plots next year. What other ones hang a long time? I ask as I start to review this thread.

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I also have Arkansas Black hanging in zone 4
Kerr still holding.

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