Snapshot Wisconsin


5 year old buck +
I thought I would call attention to a very neat program run by the Wisconsin DNR called Snapshot Wisconsin.
I will supply a link and share a few trail cam photos from the camera that I host.

The programs end goal is to put in place around 5500 cameras state wide, one per 9 square mile block. The State pays for the camera, supplies the rechargeable batteries , charger and SD cards. I was fortunate to have my land in a block that was not already being hosted and received my camera about 3 years ago now.

My obligation is that I check and upload the encrypted photos at least once in a 90 day period. I only know how many pictures where taken on that SD card. After uploading them to the Snapshot site I receive a email with a code that I can then go and see what I uploaded and then I have 30 days to classify the photos as to species , blank, human etc. These classified photos are then used for science , making wildlife management decisions etc.


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Snapshot Wisconsin is a cool program. Been in it for over 5 years now.
Cool program. Out of curiosity, what kind of camera do they provide?
Gov't sponsored surveillance?
Cool program. Out of curiosity, what kind of camera do they provide?
I can not say what exact model but they supply Bushnell's. What is interesting is that they are programed to only allow me to change the date and time from the menu. They are preset to take 3 quick photos per trigger event. The camera's are also preset to take a time lapse photo every day at 10:40 am. The time lapse photos are used by a University of Wisconsin research study that compares that shot with a daily satellite flyover shot. It is my understating this data is used to determine green up dates , brown up dates etc.
Gov't sponsored surveillance?
I had considered that before signing on to the program. I dismissed my concerns in my belief that the data they collect on Wisconsins animals would outweigh any possible nefarious surveillance they could glean from the cameras.

The major funding for Snapshot is provided by everyone that purchases firearms, hunting gear, archery etc. Pittman-Roberson act.
My cousin was part of this program for years and within the last year it became such a hassle with the demands that the dnr wanted that he sent the camera back and told them where to go.
First it was the camera had a vine hanging in it and that wasn't natural, next it was he couldn't have it hanging over a natural licking branch cause it could alter deer movement. Then he couldn't have a box blind in the background. The final straw was they complained you could see a barbed wire fence in the background..... We live in Wisconsin, the freaking dairyland state.
My cousin was part of this program for years and within the last year it became such a hassle with the demands that the dnr wanted that he sent the camera back and told them where to go.
First it was the camera had a vine hanging in it and that wasn't natural, next it was he couldn't have it hanging over a natural licking branch cause it could alter deer movement. Then he couldn't have a box blind in the background. The final straw was they complained you could see a barbed wire fence in the background..... We live in Wisconsin, the freaking dairyland state.
I am sorry your cousin did not have a good experience.
My experience with the program and the Snapshot team that I interact with have been nothing but positive. Snapshot recently had their annual zoom meeting for hosts where they discuss a variety of subjects. They mentioned that for hosts that started the program 3 years ago (my time frame) there is a 84% retention rate.
My cousin was part of this program for years and within the last year it became such a hassle with the demands that the dnr wanted that he sent the camera back and told them where to go.
First it was the camera had a vine hanging in it and that wasn't natural, next it was he couldn't have it hanging over a natural licking branch cause it could alter deer movement. Then he couldn't have a box blind in the background. The final straw was they complained you could see a barbed wire fence in the background..... We live in Wisconsin, the freaking dairyland state.
A lot of the things your cousin experienced were covered in the online training that the program had before they give you a camera. They stressed not placing camera in front of some thing that would attract or concentrate deer. The program is not just for deer but to gather info of multiple animal species. Some examples they gave were on game trails, edge of marsh or swamp. The only time I heard from them was when I went over the 90 day check period and that was only 1 time.
Cool stuff. We did a similar program in my ecology class back in college.
I just signed up as the block where my property was available. Will see if I get approved.
I just signed up as the block where my property was available. Will see if I get approved.
Great! Would love to hear your experiences after getting the camera and setting it up.
Got approved however they are short on cameras right now. Expecting one sometime in June.
My cousin was part of this program for years and within the last year it became such a hassle with the demands that the dnr wanted that he sent the camera back and told them where to go.
First it was the camera had a vine hanging in it and that wasn't natural, next it was he couldn't have it hanging over a natural licking branch cause it could alter deer movement. Then he couldn't have a box blind in the background. The final straw was they complained you could see a barbed wire fence in the background..... We live in Wisconsin, the freaking dairyland state.

Imagine that, getting involved in a Gov't program and they micro manage what you do and think have control over you? With the Gov't, free always is always more expensive than you think 😉
Imagine that, getting involved in a Gov't program and they micro manage what you do and think have control over you? With the Gov't, free always is always more expensive than you think 😉

I respect hearing all opinions but I can also say "results may vary". There are thousands of folks in Wi involved in this program that seem to be happy when you consider the retention rate.

Not one time have I felt like I have been "micro managed" with Snapshot. When I signed up the requirements were very clear as to my obligations. General camera placement guidelines, height about ground, north facing if possible. No placement in front of bait, scent pods, etc. Requirement that I check and maintain and upload pictures at least every 3 months.

I have been involved now for 3 years and has not cost me one cent. One of the cameras quit working, they paid for the return shipping and shipped me a new camera. They will replace the rechargeable batteries at their cost when that time comes. I guess I could say that I paid for the electricity to recharge the batteries 4 times a year, yikes, the horror! lol.

I personally feel honored to be part of this program and the data it provides to hopefully manage our natural resources in a more informed way.
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I think its worth a sot (Pun intended) I volunteer with the DNR to help goose banding every year. Been doing that for over 20 years and now they look to me for guidance when catching geese. Its pretty fun, even though I think they worry a bit too much on how we handle the geese. These are very tough birds. Anyway, if the camera thing doesn't work out, I'm not out anything but a little time and a reason to head up to my property, like I need one LOL