SLN trees arrived

Agree SLN trees are slow steady plodders. Haven't had any croak and best after planting in 2020 are just over 6 ft. Will give a few more yrs and make a judgement then. Have a few varieties that really did want a full size like a local heritage one - Milwaukee Apple. If these make it, will be worth the wait for me.

But if I was wanting some type of crab like Chestnut or Kerr, recommend a different rootstock like dolgo, ranetka, even a red splendor would probably be good. Have some Chestnut on a red splendor bark grafted last yr doing well.
Those trees look pretty good. My SNL trees have been in the ground 3-4 years and are just stalled. They leaf but don’t put on any growth and are still nothing more than 24” whips. They are planted in small orchard plots with trees from other sources and are way way behind everything else. I know it isn’t the soil based on what all the other trees are doing. Hoping they take off in the next year or two, I know people here have said they are slow starters. I have a All Winter Hangover and Winter Wildlife that I grafted on Dolgo rootstock from scions I traded for here. Those trees were put in the ground last year and are already way ahead of the SNL trees that are twice as old. Based on the pictures you guys have been posting I plan on taking scion of those this winter and grafting a few more.
Apple trees are long term deals. They aren’t overnight sensations. When I plant these, especially on antonovka rootstock I’m looking at 10 years before expecting any kind of yield. The trees I posted were planted in 2016. Most have a bunch of apples this year. The only one that hasn’t fruited yet is Violi’s Hanging. It looks great just no fruit yet. Not a big deal as I have close to 30 trees and most others have fruit.
I planted their anty rootstock this april. They're not very rust resistant. Lots of spots, but theyre growing.

Ill post some pics, but the ones I put in an ursery are doing better. Rototilled, lime, fertilizer, and weed mat / mulch. Mulched a few in may, theose were doing better. So, I removed the old mulch from my flower beds at home and put them on the trees. Saw a difference in the leaf color in 3 days. These trees are at my home and get watered 2-3 times a week.
Just be patient with SLN trees. These were planted in 2016. Trees are getting some decent size to them now and should start cranking out the fruit.

All-Winter Hangover



Winter Wildlife


Just be patient with SLN trees.
Yep. None of ours have disappointed. We have several of the 2 varieties you posted above - and love them!!! Planted the first ones in 2013 .......... now about 16 ft. tall or better. Lots of fruit.
Yep. None of ours have disappointed. We have several of the 2 varieties you posted above - and love them!!! Planted the first ones in 2013 .......... now about 16 ft. tall or better. Lots of fruit.
These two are looking real good. I’ve got a couple of each at our other place but they just went in the ground so it’ll be 5 years or so with them. I have a Violi’s Hanging planted 2016 as well. Tree looks great but no fruit yet. I think trailman is the other I planted that year. It was looking great and loaded with fruit two years ago but the coons completely wrecked it and set it back. It’s starting to rebound at least.
This doe seems to like my 2016 planted All-Winter Hangover. I feel like this is the first year I remember it fruiting much. Stay patient with these trees. It’s loaded this year.

Those look great. I know they are relatively young but do those varieties look to be annual producers for you?
Those look great. I know they are relatively young but do those varieties look to be annual producers for you?
Winter wildlife has been fruiting for a few years now. This is the first I can remember for All-Winter Hangover.
Those trees are looking great. Kinda surprised you can get away with no trunk protection. Getting buck rubbed was always a crapshoot here and eventually caught up with me. Had window screen on many but one yr peeled that off so went back and put on narrow cages.
Those trees are looking great. Kinda surprised you can get away with no trunk protection. Getting buck rubbed was always a crapshoot here and eventually caught up with me. Had window screen on many but one yr peeled that off so went back and put on narrow cages.
They had window screen and a cage in the previous years. I should get some screen on them again.
I tried an all-winter hangover today. Never heard of anyone really eating them. It was pretty good. Sweet.
I've eaten them before. Ours were both sweet and tart - a nice combo of flavor.