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5 year old buck +
Does anyone have a Sherry apple tree planted? It seems to me someone had a / some Sherry trees here on the forum - but it was some time ago. I was curious to see how they're doing for anyone who has them. Our one tree hasn't produced yet. It's growing pretty well, but not setting the world on fire.
I have one planted in 2016 in a less than ideal place, sort of lower frost pocket. It has grown pretty well, not as good as my wwc or violis planted at the same time. Those were planted in an ideal spot though. My sherry set 20 or so apples last year and near the end of October most of all of them were still on the tree. By the end of November they were gone, not sure if they fell or a coon got them

I have one that is ~15 years old, and it has been very slow to fruit for me. But the few apples that it has produced hang on at least into December.
I have not seen any on the ground either, maybe coons are picking mine off, as well. SLN's catalog says they are supposed to hang on all winter.
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What are your Violi's apples like? How long do they hang? I envision them looking something like Kerr, but my tree is still a long way from producing.

What are your Violi's apples like? How long do they hang? I envision them looking something like Kerr, but my tree is still a long way from producing.
I would say the violis are very similar in size to Kerr, but so far the violis seem to have a longer drop starting late October and my tree even had several in late February. You can take my info with a grain of salt as my oldest fruit trees were planted in 2014. I have close to 200 planted now and with the cover I planted 10+ years ago it is really starting to pay off. Of my apple trees, my favorites for wildlife are Kerr, winter wildlife crab and violis. And several of the blue hill and nwc varieties are looking very promising mine are just too young to really say much about yet.

Great info., thanks.

What about Violi's color and taste? Is it brighter red than Kerr? Is it sweet or more astringent?
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I have a sherry I grafted and planted about 3-4 years ago. Fruited for the first time last season. The fruit did hang thru winter. I’ll see if I can find a picture.

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Great info., thanks.

What about Violi's color and taste? Is it brighter red than Kerr? Is it sweet or more astringent?
I need to get better at taking photos and documenting all of this. But no, I believe the Kerr is much brighter and I have only tasted 1 or 2 violis, and honestly can’t really remember the details of what it tasted like. I do remember it tasted fine it just wasn’t anything I would go out of my way to eat. Kerr is one of my personal favorites to eat
I've tasted our Kerr too, and they're a good eating apple/crab.