Sherem chain sharpener??

My buddy had one and he said it cut a lot of metal and the chains don't last as long. But maybe take that with a grain of salt. He's particularly hard on equipment.
Get one of them Stihl hand 2 in 1 files, quick and can do it in the woods.
I find it strange that folks spend allot of money on some of these devices. I'm likely "old school".....but I have always just used a few strokes of the appropriate file size to get a decent sharpening in the field. I suppose after about 6 to 10's time for a pro-sharpening job.....but??? Maybe I just dont' know what I dont' know?
I like to hand file free hand in the field myself then after a couple touch ups I’ll swap chains and use my Stihl USG to bring the chains back to a factory cutting edge.
Old school here. I use the Stihl hand files with the angle guides & a flat file for the rakers. I just try to file the same amount of strokes on each tooth / raker to keep things even. I look closely to watch for uneven wear though. I have no power sharpener. I always keep a spare sharp chain with me while cutting - in case.
Old school here. I use the Stihl hand files with the angle guides & a flat file for the rakers. I just try to file the same amount of strokes on each tooth / raker to keep things even. I look closely to watch for uneven wear though. I have no power sharpener. I always keep a spare sharp chain with me while cutting - in case.

Not old school......just old

Gettin' there myself, TreeDaddy!!
Any new suggestions,I use the file and it will get you a couple more trees but wondering if something better
This thread sent me down a rabbit hole! In the past I just keep buying a chain or two a year and take them in to the shop 5-6 at a time but I have always wanted to do my own.

I ended up ordering one of these. They make some really nice ones that work with the chain on the bar but I think I like being able to run several at a time without swapping it onto saw.

I recommend the Stihl 2 in 1 sharpener. I can sharpen free hand, but use the Pferd 2 in 1 because I can use it while barely paying attention. I feel like anyone can use this style of sharpener, especially if you can put the saw in a bench vise. I do some tree work and cut 40+ cord of firewood and rotate 10-12 chains throughout the year.