5 year old buck +
Access by easement though must have some buyers turned off.
Is there access? I don't see anything marked on the map. This might be landlocked and the only way you can get to it is with a helicopter or to talk one of the adjoining landowners into selling you an access easement(good luck with that). The other caveat is depending on what specific things are written into that Conservation Easement contract, it may state that there can be no building or cutting of trees whatsoever.
I checked the realtors website,
I had to look up the listing realtor. Elite realty out of Eau Claire. I can't remember the guys name offhand and I'm on my phone so I can't check the browser history.Whats the website address?
Conservation easements are a tough one. Current owners were paid--basically full price or near it for the easement.
Buyer must fully understand the restrictions!
I put a farm into an easement and they paid well, but restrictions come with it, and value of land drops considerably.
Start a new thread and I will give you as much as know about both programs