Seeding Rates


Yearling... With promise
I am attempting my first food plot (2019 season). There is a well known food plotter (dbltree) who says he mixed his larger seeds and broadcasts them all together. Yet his seed rates varied for each larger seed (Rye, Oats, & Peas) How do you get the ratio of each seed correct in the hopper when mixing?

Hope this isn't a dumb question. Remember, I am new at all of this.
What is your mix going to be? What is your method of soil prep going to be?
Mix them as best you can before you load the hopper then plant. If it’s a little uneven you’ll never know and neither will the deer.

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You need the full seeding recommendations per acre for each forage that you plan to plant. Then you determine the % of each forage that you want your mix to contain. Then it’s simple math from there.

If the Winter Rye seeding rate is 100 lbs/acre and you want it to be 25% of your mix you would seed it at 25lbs/acre. Things like brassicas or clover has a much lower full seeding rate per acre. Again it is basic math of the % of each forage you want in your mix based off full seeding rates.
I am attempting my first food plot (2019 season). There is a well known food plotter (dbltree) who says he mixed his larger seeds and broadcasts them all together. Yet his seed rates varied for each larger seed (Rye, Oats, & Peas) How do you get the ratio of each seed correct in the hopper when mixing?

Hope this isn't a dumb question. Remember, I am new at all of this.

Folk usually express a mix as lbs/ac of each seed or percentages of each seed and a seeding rate for the overall mix. Either way it simple math. If it is expressed as lbs/ac, you simply measure the size of your field and use that for the acreage. So if the seed rate of one component is 100 lbs/ac and you have a quarter acre field you add 25 lbs to the hopper. If the seed rate of the next component is 50 lbs/ac you add 12 1/2 lbs of it to the hopper.

If the mix is specified as percentages and an overall lbs/ac rate, simply multiply the overall rate by the percentage of each component. For example, if the first component is 10% of the mix and the overall rate is 20 lbs/ac, then you would add 2 lbs (10% * 20) per acre. You now have a lbs/ac rate for each component and can do what I said in the previous paragraph based on the size of your field.


Paul's mixes were just a starting point for many, he tried different ratios of seed and these were his starting points that worked for him. You'll have to play with them and get a mix that works for you. Paul's numbers were per acre so you'll have to figure out how big your plot is and go from there. I mix mine in a a wheelbarrow and put it in plastic totes to take back and plant.
If all else fails, wing it, and see what happens. You can also plant strips, and see which the deer prefer, then mix them together next year.

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