Saw A GFP Check Point Today

The reject who can't handle himself in the field is sentenced to check points haha. Wardens have their place and we have the 4th amendment. I don't have to give anyone consent to search my property, unless you have a warrant prick! They are out there in all types of law enforcement, power tripping fools.
Deer they knew you didn't have anything illegal. Any officer with half of grain of common sense and a little experience knows who the criminals are. They messed with you just because they could. I would complain and tell them to pound sand!
My experiences with wardens have nearly always been good ones.
I ran into a warden on the lake above Jim Timbers. We talked for about 1/2 hour on deer numbers. I finally asked him if he wanted to see my fish.

I was also checked by a warden on my first day ever bow hunting as a kid of 16. My recurve was in the cardboard box and unstrung. All was well.
I'd like that to be true...but if you do that, be prepared for a very, very lengthy delay. All part of the Police State
So they are going to "detain" you if you dont consent to a search of your vehicle.....even more illegal!
You cant be detained by any law enforcement if they dont have a suspicion you committed a crime or about to commit a crime.
They are walking a very fine line with checkpoints. They only way they could search is with a warrant or consent.
Ill tell you this, even when you are under arrest for an owi, they cant obtain your blood without a warrant. There are drivers license consequences if you refuse, because you gave "implied consent" when you obtained a drivers license. Implied consent doesnt include consent tosearch.
There is no "implied consent" when you get a hunting license. Even if there was, you wouldnt be giving consent to search. Especially since you arent UNDER ARREST!
Just like the owi, they still need a warrant to search your body (a blood draw is a search of your body) even after you are under arrest.
I've seen and heard many a story on checkpoints. In PA they will stop everybody, not just hunters. They will ask questions and ask to open your trunk. If you refuse they tell you to pull over on the side and they will get back to you later. It could be hours! The assumption, they tell you is because you refused they have probable cause and will get a warrant and they don't do that until after their done with the checkpoint. If you just leave they will stop you and now you're obstructing so they search your vehicle. There have been many arguments and precedents as far as checkpoints (hunting and none) and the fourth amendment. You would probably win in court , maybe not but are you going to spend hours and hours and days fighting it? That's what they bank on.
My experiences with wardens have nearly always been good ones.
I ran into a warden on the lake above Jim Timbers. We talked for about 1/2 hour on deer numbers. I finally asked him if he wanted to see my fish.

I was also checked by a warden on my first day ever bow hunting as a kid of 16. My recurve was in the cardboard box and unstrung. All was well.
I have a friend of mine that is a Co In western part or Mn who I grew up hunting and fishing with he has some crazy ass story's of stuff he has to deal with. He also talks about some of the power trip guys he has to work with. There are idiots in every profession.
I have a friend of mine that is a Co In western part or Mn who I grew up hunting and fishing with he has some crazy ass story's of stuff he has to deal with. He also talks about some of the power trip guys he has to work with. There are idiots in every profession.
I think that is the simplest spot on explanation of the actual situation i've ever heard. When someone tells me that all teachers care, or all cops are bad, or fill in the blank "All _____ are _____," you can assume an agenda statement follows.

The cop that threw me in jail for DUI was a jerk with a little man complex. He came and banged on my holding cell, "Hey, I got another one." What a jack@$$. Didn't hold it against all cops though. I also had great teachers in my life, also had a lot of turds.
I would love to be a defense attorney in your locations. I could afford alot of land$$$$
The cops in my area would have short careers if their business was conducted in the manners described above.