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Rub Damage. Should I bridge graft?


5 year old buck +
There's a crab apple on my place that I just noticed this year. It just appeared. I didn't plant it and I have no idea what strain it is, maybe a Dolgo?? It was loaded with beautiful red apples that were pretty tasty. They reminded me of a Dolgo that I have growing 80 yards away.
I have a hunch that this tree has superior genetics and I was very excited about it.
However, I didn't cage it and, wouldn't you know got rubbed in November. I'd estimate that about 60% of the cambium was damaged. I'm wondering what I should do about it. There are a couple sprouts below the damage. I'm wondering if I should make my 1st attempt at grafting with a bridge graft. Or should I just seal the damage with something.
I have some photos to post but I can't seem to find out what the limit is for file size.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm not experienced with DAMAGE to crabapples or apples, but I've had very good success with Tree-Kote pruning and wound sealer on various trees. It heals the wounds from pruning and scraping-type damage very well over a couple years. If you try that - be sure to cage it to give the tree a chance to heal & prevent future damage.
No worries of only 60 % rubbed. If it was 100% damaged it would be a problem. Coating it will help prevent disease but the tree should be fine. Make sure you cage it now I have had 4 or 5 trees with over 50 % rub damage and they are doing amazing now
No worries of only 60 % rubbed. If it was 100% damaged it would be a problem. Coating it will help prevent disease but the tree should be fine. Make sure you cage it now I have had 4 or 5 trees with over 50 % rub damage and they are doing amazing now

I agree. At 60% you should be fine. Just protect it and let it heal. A young tree with a small diameter will close that "gap" right back up in no time.

Thanks for the replies.
BTW, what is the kb limit on file size for posting pics on this forum?
Thanks for the replies.
BTW, what is the kb limit on file size for posting pics on this forum?

Up until right now the limit has been 1024 KB

I just bumped it to 8000 KB

You can have up to 10 attachments per message.

Hope that helps,
