Rootmaker propagation question


5 year old buck +
I have collected quite a few seeds from the last living specimens of my Great Grandmother’s Chickasaw plum orchard (44 remaining after seed borers) and her Mexican plum (40 from her tree, and 100 from a different local source with drop times about two weeks apart and different growth structures). I don’t need that many trees, but would like to propagate enough to select the highest quality ones to grow out in RootTrapper II fabric pots.

My goal would be probably 20-25 Mexican plums and about 5-10 Chickasaw plums in large enough RootTrapper II bags that they stand a good chance in harsh conditions. I don’t know if that means 1 year in trays/pots, or 2 years with a second up-potting after the first season, or 3 years.

I am thinking of using the 18 cell Rootmaker trays, but don’t know how quickly I would need to transplant them to larger pots. Also, what would be the best way to automatically water the trays? I have a timer and hose in the flower bed I plan on using, but do those trays do okay with a single drip emitter in each cell, or do they require more like a mist or sprinkler type watering?

If the transplant out of the cells is fairly quick, I will want to go ahead and buy the RootTrapper bags right from the start, so which size would be best for that first up-potting from the 18 cell? Would a second up-potting be necessary at all, or just start with the final size RootTrapper that I want to plant into the field?

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How set are you on using root trapper bags? I have tried using them with chestnuts, hazelnuts, and hybrid oaks, each with multiple media types. I think they are a marketing gimmick and won't use them anymore. I would legitimately rather have roots circling a plastic pot before I would give them another try. I think they dry out the soil too quickly and eventually you get hydrophobic soils. I also didn't notice any more rapid root growth with them compared to round plastic pots.

I have a feeling you won't know how long to let them grow at each stage until you do it. Light conditions, temperature, and the media you use will all have effects on how quickly the seedlings grow. Buy a few potting types for each size and try. Experience is the best teacher given all of the things that can affect growth.

I wish I had better feedback. I hope others can chime in with their experiences.
Jack had a thread on chestnut seeds and rootmakes transferred from the old forum

I would start there for info

Not sure on plums but I always moved to one gallon pots at 12 weeks. The plant tells you when to move up. Pull one up and see if the roots fill the cell. I just put a 18 cell tray in a flat container. Add water and let them soak till the top on the cell is wet. Usually only once a week. The weight of the tray will tell you when they need water. I have a few of the fabric bags and noticed they don't need water as often as the plastic pots. I also think keeping the black pots in the shade helps. I did a simple shade with cattle panels and shade cloth.
Well, I had a large percentage of the Chinkapin oak acorns I collected last week send out radicals with no cold stratification at all. Ther we’re float tested, and placed in a fabric target bag in a spare closet for a week and this is the result.


They were the bulk of my planned planting, and I am either going to have to do something very fast, or most of them will be a loss. Looks like the radicals are already dried out.

I was planning on direct seeding these in January after we burn the unit, but I will instead be doing it much sooner I guess. I have transferred everything that hasn’t produced a radical to the fridge to try and stall the germination. I ordered a 36” long bulb planter auger so I can direct seed with a drill without bending… and will probably start direct seeding next week. Right before opening weekend. Uggghhhh!!! I didn’t think they would germinate so quick, and was not prepared for this. I should have run them straight into the fridge in the first place.

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